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Beating the Odds
Group of children running through a grassy field

"Beating the odds" is a term that is used to identify schools that are doing better than expected. RELs work in partnership with states and districts to 1) conduct original high quality research, 2) provide training, coaching, and technical support, and 3) disseminate high quality research findings on "beating the odds" schools A selected list of resources developed by the REL Program appears below.


Archived Webinars

  • Schools Beating the Odds: Implications for Research and Practice (REL Northeast and Islands, December 7, 2016) "Beating the Odds" schools demonstrate better academic outcomes for students at risk of not graduating when compared with schools that serve similar populations. During this webinar, a team of panelists present current research on odds-beating schools in three REL Northeast & Islands jurisdictions: New York, Maine, and Puerto Rico.


For more resources in ERIC on the topic of Beating the Odds, click here.