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Northeast & Islands
Northeast & Islands: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Virgin Islands

Regional Needs

To help guide its program of research alliances and long-term research agenda, REL Northeast & Islands uses extensive relationships across the region to conduct ongoing and rigorous regional needs analysis. A multifaceted and systematic needs-assessment process engages a broad range of regional stakeholders through a variety of activities, including: face-to-face and virtual meetings with existing stakeholder groups; personal outreach to education leaders and policymakers; participation at key professional meetings, public hearings, or conferences; reviews of state policy, research reports, state legislation, and documents; and needs-sensing webinars.

The following four regional priority topics have been identified as areas of high need by stakeholders throughout the Northeast and Islands Region:

  1. Identification and retention of effective teachers and principals;
  2. Improvement of low-performing schools and districts;
  3. Educational equity and support for special populations; and
  4. College and career readiness, access, and completion.