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National Assessment of Title I - Final Report

NCEE 2008-4012
June 2008

Exhibit 1.  Key Provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act
State assessments States must implement annual state assessments in reading and mathematics in grades 3-8 and at least once in grades 10-12, and in science at least once in each of three grade spans: 3-5, 6-9, and 10-12. Assessments must be aligned with challenging state content and academic achievement standards. States must provide for participation of all students, including students with disabilities and limited English proficient (LEP) students. States must provide for the assessment of English language proficiency of all LEP students.
Adequate yearly progress (AYP) States must set annual targets that will lead to the goal of all students’ reaching proficiency in reading and mathematics by 2013-14. For each measure of school performance, states must include absolute targets that must be met by key subgroups of students (major racial/ethnic groups, low-income students, students with disabilities, and LEP students). To make AYP, schools and districts must meet annual targets for each student subgroup in the school, and must test 95 percent of students in each subgroup. States also must define an “other academic indicator” that schools must meet in addition to proficiency targets on state assessments.
Schools identified for improvement Title I schools and districts that do not make AYP for two consecutive years are identified for improvement and are to receive technical assistance to help them improve. Those that miss AYP for additional years are identified for successive stages of interventions, including corrective action and restructuring (see below). To leave identified-for-improvement status, a school or district must make AYP for two consecutive years.
Public school choice Districts must offer all students in identified Title I schools the option to transfer to a non-identified school, with transportation provided by the district.
Supplemental educational services In Title I schools that miss AYP for a third year, districts also must offer low-income students the option of supplemental educational services from a state-approved provider.
Corrective actions In Title I schools that miss AYP for a fourth year, districts also must implement at least one of the following corrective actions: replace school staff members who are relevant to the failure to make AYP; implement a new curriculum; decrease management authority at the school level; appoint an outside expert to advise the school; extend the school day or year; or restructure the internal organization of the school.
Restructuring In Title I schools that miss AYP for a fifth year, districts also must begin planning to implement at least one of the following restructuring interventions: reopen the school as a charter school; replace all or most of the school staff; contract with a private entity to manage the school; turn over operation of the school to the state; or adopt some other major restructuring of the school’s governance. Districts must spend a year planning for restructuring and implement the school restructuring plan the following year (if the school misses AYP again for a sixth year).
Highly qualified teachers All teachers of core academic subjects must be “highly qualified” as defined by NCLB and the state. To be highly qualified, teachers must have a bachelor’s degree, full state certification, and demonstrated competence in each core academic subject that they teach. Subject-matter competence may be demonstrated by passing a rigorous state test, completing a college major or coursework equivalent, or (for veteran teachers) meeting standards established by the state under a “high, objective uniform state standard of evaluation” (HOUSSE).
Use of research based practices Schools must use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically-based research.