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IES Grant

Title: Postdoctoral Training in Early Childhood Research
Center: NCER Year: 2005
Principal Investigator: Powell, Douglas Awardee: Purdue University
Program: Postdoctoral Research Training Program in the Education Sciences      [Program Details]
Award Period: 4 years Award Amount: $327,248
Type: Training Award Number: R305B050030

The goal of this program was to provide recent PhD recipients with intensive training in curriculum intervention and teacher quality research in early childhood classrooms. The program recruited and trained three fellows, who gained experience working on one or more large-scale, federally funded intervention studies. The also had numerous opportunities to collaborate with leading methodologists and early intervention experts.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Steed, Elizabeth (ORCID)
Froiland, John (ORCID)
[Name withheld by request]

As of 2020, Dr. Steed was an associate professor in the School of Education and Human Development at the University of Colorado Boulder, and Dr. Froiland was a clinical assistant professor of Educational Psychology within the Educational Studies Department at Purdue University.

Products and Publications

ERIC Citations: Find available citations in ERIC for this award here.

Selected Publications on Training Program:

Benedict, E. A., Horner, R. H., and Squires, J. K. (2007). Assessment and Implementation of Positive Behavior Support in Preschools. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 27, 174–192.

Powell, D. R., and Diamond, K. E. (2013). Studying the Implementation of Coaching-based Professional Development. In T. Halle, A. Metz, & I. Martinez-Beck (Eds.), Applying Implementation Science in Early childhood Programs and Systems (p. 97–116). Paul H Brookes Publishing Co.

Selected Publications by the Fellows:

Diamond, K.E., Huang, H-H., and Steed, E.A. (2010). The Development of Social Competence in Children With Disabilities. In P.K. Smith, and C.H. Hart (Eds.), Handbook of Childhood Social Development (2nd ed., pp. 627–646). Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.

Froiland, J. M. (2011). Examining the Effects of Location, Neighborhood Social Organization, and Home Literacy on Early Cognitive Skills in the United States. Tarptautinis psichologijos žurnalas: biopsichosocialinis požiuris, (9), 29–42.

Froiland, J. M., Powell, D. R., & Diamond, K. E. (2014). Relations Among Neighborhood Social Networks, Home Literacy Environments, and Children's Expressive Vocabulary in Suburban At-Risk Families. School Psychology International, 35(4), 429–444.

Froiland, J. M., Powell, D. R., Diamond, K. E., and Son, S. H. C. (2013). Neighborhood Socioeconomic Well-Being, Home Literacy, and Early Literacy Skills of At-Risk Preschoolers. Psychology in the Schools, 50(8), 755–769.

Powell, D.R., Steed, E.A., and Diamond, K.E. (2010). Dimensions of Literacy Coaching With Head Start Teachers. Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 30(3): 148–161. doi:10.1177/0271121409341197
