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IES Grant

Title: Postdoctoral Training and Research in Children's Early Mathematical Training
Center: NCER Year: 2005
Principal Investigator: Starkey, Prentice Awardee: University of California, Berkeley
Program: Postdoctoral Research Training Program in the Education Sciences      [Program Details]
Award Period: 4 years Award Amount: $670,590
Type: Training Award Number: R305B050013

This training program prepared fellows to conduct research relevant to the socioeconomic status (SES)-related gap in mathematical knowledge that appears early and widens during early childhood. The program drew fellows from child-focused graduate programs and provided crucial content knowledge in mathematical cognition, early childhood education, and intervention research methods.

Postdoctoral Fellows

Iyer, Roopa
Li, Jie
[Name withheld by request]

As of 2020, Dr. Iyer was the senior director for research and evaluation at Arizona Early Childhood and Heard Board, a state agency in Arizona, and Dr. Li was the program manager and educational specialist of Graduate Medical Education at Stanford Health Care.

Products and Publications

ERIC Citations: Find available citations in ERIC for this award here.

Selected Publications by the Fellows:

Klein, A., Starkey, P., Sarama, J., Clements, D.H., & Iyer, R. (2008). Effects of a pre-kindergarten mathematics intervention: A randomized experiment. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 1(3): 155–178. doi:10.1080/19345740802114533
