IES Grant
Title: | Minnesota Interdisciplinary Training in Education Research | ||||||||||||||||||||
Center: | NCER | Year: | 2005 | ||||||||||||||||||
Principal Investigator: | Davison, Mark L. | Awardee: | University of Minnesota | ||||||||||||||||||
Program: | Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences [Program Details] | ||||||||||||||||||||
Award Period: | 5 years | Award Amount: | $4,999,997 | ||||||||||||||||||
Type: | Training | Award Number: | R305C050059 | ||||||||||||||||||
Description: | Co-Training Director: van den Broek, Paul The University of Minnesota's Interdisciplinary Training in Education Research (MITER) program aimed to develop education researchers able to apply experimental methodology and cognitive sciences to practical educational issues. Research themes within the program included experimental research methodology (such as standards-based assessment, continuous monitoring of student progress, experimental and quasi-experimental design with an emphasis on experimental designs, and longitudinal studies) and cognitive science as applied to educational issues (such as training in theories and data-gathering methods in education-related fields of cognition such as cognitive neuroscience, psycholinguistics, psychology of higher-order thinking and learning). List of Completed Fellows:Below is a list of the 17 fellows who received funding support from this award and completed the training program.
Products and Publications ERIC Citations: Find available citations in ERIC for this award here. Select Publications From Completed Fellows: Books Hilk, C., & Mensink, M. (2010). Gangs. In C. S. Clauss-Ehlers (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Cross-Cultural School Psychology. New York: Springer. Book chapters Mensink, M. C. (2011). Focusing effects from online and offline reading tasks. In M. T. McCrudden, J. P. Magliano, & G. Schraw (Eds.), Text relevance and learning from text(pp. 141–164). IAP Information Age Publishing. Pellegrini, A. D., Long, J., Dupuis, D., Solberg, D.W., Bohn, C. M., Hickey, M. & Roseth, C. (2009). Bullying and social status during school transitions. In S. R. Jimerson, S. M. Swearer, & D. L. Espalage (Eds.), The International Handbook of School Bullying. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. Pellegrini, A. D., Ostrov, J. M., Roseth, C., Solberg, D. W. & Dupuis, D. (2013). Using observational methods to study children's and adolescents' development. In G. Melton, A. Ben-Arieh, & J. Cashmore (Eds.), Handbook of Child Research. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. Rapp, D. N., & Mensink, M. C. (2011). Focusing effects from online and offline reading tasks. In M. T. McCrudden, J. P. Magliano, & G. Schraw (Eds.), Text relevance and learning from text (pp. 141–164). IAP Information Age Publishing. Journal articles Arbeit, C. A., & Warren, J. R. (2013). Labor market penalties for foreign degrees among college educated immigrants. Social Science Research, 42(3), 852–871. Carlson, S. E., Seipel, B., & McMaster, K. (2014). Development of a new reading comprehension assessment: Identifying comprehension differences among readers. Learning and Individual Differences, 32, 40–53. Clinton, V.(2015). Examining associations between reading motivation and inference generation beyond reading comprehension skill. Reading Psychology, 36(6), 473–498. Clinton, V. (2014). The relationship between students' preferred approaches to learning and behaviors during learning: An examination of the process stage of the 3P model. Instructional Science, 42(5), 817–837. Clinton, V., & Van den Broek, P. (2012). Interest, inferences, and learning from texts. Learning and Individual Differences, 22(6), 650–663. Clinton, V., Carlson, S. E., & Seipel, B. (2016). Linguistic markers of inference generation while reading. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 45(3), 553–574. Clinton, V., Seipel, B., van den Broek, P., McMaster, K. L., Kendeou, P., Carlson, S. E., & Rapp, D. N. (2014). Gender differences in inference generation by fourth-grade students. Journal of Research in Reading, 37(4), 356–374. Cutuli, J. J., Desjardins, C. D., Herbers, J. E., Long, J. D., Heistad, D., Chan, C. K., ... & Masten, A. S. (2013). Academic achievement trajectories of homeless and highly mobile students: Resilience in the context of chronic and acute risk. Child development, 84(3), 841–857. Davison, M. L., Kim, S. K., & Close, C. (2009). Factor analytic modeling of within person variation in score profiles. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 44(5), 668–687. Davison, M. L., Semmes, R., Huang, L., & Close, C. N. (2012). On the reliability and validity of a numerical reasoning speed dimension derived from response times collected in computerized testing. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 72(2), 245–263. Desjardins, C. D. (2016). Modeling zero-inflated and overdispersed count data: An empirical study of school suspensions.The Journal of Experimental Education, 84(3), 449–472. Fehr, C. N., Davison, M. L., Graves, M. F., Sales, G. C., Seipel, B., & Sekhran-Sharma, S. (2012). The effects of individualized, online vocabulary instruction on picture vocabulary scores: An efficacy study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(1), 87–102. Fehr, C. N., Scholin, S. E., & Davison, M. L. (2011). The Effect of Online, Large-Scale Vocabulary Instruction on Listening and Reading Vocabulary. Information Technology, Education and Society, 12(1), 5–18. Lewis, M. R., & Mensink, M. C. (2012). Prereading questions and online text comprehension. Discourse Processes, 49(5), 367–390. Liou, P. Y., Desjardins, C. D., & Lawrenz, F. (2010). Influence of scholarships on STEM teachers: Cluster analysis and characteristics. School Science and Mathematics, 110(3), 128–143. Masten, A. S., Desjardins, C. D., McCormick, C. M., Sally, I., Kuo, C., & Long, J. D. (2010). The significance of childhood competence and problems for adult success in work: A developmental cascade analysis. Development and Psychopathology, 22(3), 679–694. Masten, A. S., Herbers, J. E., Desjardins, C. D., Cutuli, J. J., McCormick, C. M., Sapienza, J. K., ... & Zelazo, P. D. (2012). Executive function skills and school success in young children experiencing homelessness. Educational Researcher, 41(9), 375–384. Mensink, M. C., & Rapp, D. N. (2011). Evil geniuses: Inferences derived from evidence and preferences. Memory & cognition, 39(6), 1103–1116. Semmes, R., Davison, M. L., & Close, C. (2011). Modeling individual differences in numerical reasoning speed as a random effect of response time limits. Applied Psychological Measurement, 35(6), 433–446. Warren, J. R., & Saliba, J. (2012). First-through eighth-grade retention rates for all 50 states: A new method and initial results. Educational Researcher, 41(8), 320–329. Proceedings Lewis, M., & Varma, S. (2010). Number Representations and their Development: A Connectionist Model of Number Comparison. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 32, No. 32, 1780–1785). Wang, J., Moore, T., Plumb, S., & Roehrig, G. (2009, October). A student task model method for assessing and improving a Model-Eliciting Activity. In 2009 39th IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (pp. 1–5). IEEE. |
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