IES Grant
Title: | Exploring Writing Achievement and Its Role in Success at 4-Year Postsecondary Institutions | ||
Center: | NCER | Year: | 2016 |
Principal Investigator: | Burstein, Jill | Awardee: | Educational Testing Service (ETS) |
Program: | Postsecondary and Adult Education [Program Details] | ||
Award Period: | 4 years (7/1/2016 – 6/30/2020) | Award Amount: | $1,387,363 |
Type: | Exploration | Award Number: | R305A160115 |
Description: | Co-Principal Investigator: McCaffrey, Daniel Purpose: Postsecondary-level writing challenges students and the instructors who teach it. In this project, the researchers addressed this challenge by exploring writing skills and achievement, the malleable factors that predict writing quality, and their links to postsecondary success. The researchers explored three different factors or predictors of writing quality. The first was writing domain knowledge, such as use of correct writing conventions (grammar, spelling, etc.), topic development and coherence, organization, source integration (such as citing outside sources), and topicality (using relevant vocabulary, etc.). The second factor was general knowledge, such as critical thinking ability. The third was intrapersonal factors (such as motivation and attitudes). They found that writing domain knowledge and intrapersonal factors predict writing outcomes, and that student coursework and assessment writing may predict student retention. The findings from this study can inform how to develop writing curriculum and interventions to support college students. Project Activities: Using both secondary and primary data, the researchers examined interactions among factors of writing achievement and explored how these factors relate to college retention and completion. They used a theoretical model of writing that assumes that multiple skills contribute to writing achievement including writing-domain knowledge, domain-general knowledge, and intrapersonal factors. The researchers conducted a mixed-methods study of both primary and secondary data, using classroom artifacts (samples of student writing) and data from an automated writing evaluation to refine this theoretical model and determine correlations among the components and student outcomes. Key Outcomes: The main findings of this exploratory study are as follows:
Structured Abstract Setting: Study 1 used secondary data collected from 22 diverse 4-year postsecondary institutions from across the country. Study 2 used data from students attending 6 different 4-year university settings in urban, suburban, and rural settings. Sample: The data for study 1 were collected from 1,791 students who completed both the ETS HEIghten Critical Thinking and the Written Communications Assessments from a previous pilot study. The data for study 2 was drawn from 735 students enrolled in first-year writing classes or disciplinary classes (e.g., humanities or science classes). These students represented a diverse group in terms of gender (41 percent were male, and 59 percent were female), ethnicity (23 percent Hispanic), and race (5 percent Asian, 32 percent Black or African American, 38 percent White, 2 percent two or more groups). Factors: Underlying this research is the assumption that writing skills rely on writing-domain knowledge, general-domain knowledge, and intrapersonal factors. Combined, these three components may predict student writing and, hence, students' ability to complete writing courses and persist in postsecondary classes. In terms of writing-domain knowledge, the researchers focused on five main constructs:
Students' skill in these constructs may vary depending on student background characteristics. For example, some students may have deficits in some, but not all, constructs or be weak or strong across the board. In terms of domain-general knowledge, the researchers explored general critical thinking skills that may correlate with writing ability. In terms of intrapersonal factors, they explored whether a student's level of engagement, goal setting, interest, motivation, and self-efficacy in writing correlated with writing ability. They did not explore relationships between writing achievement constructs and student demographic backgrounds. Research Design and Methods: The researchers used both existing secondary data sets (study 1) and primary data (study 2). They examined samples of students' writing using ETS's existing automated writing evaluation (AWE) capabilities and student writing samples from writing prompts used in HEIghten Written Communication Assessment (studies 1 & 2) and disciplinary course assignments (study 2). The AWE tool analyzes writing samples for the 5 writing-domain constructs, analyzing 175 features to build profiles for a writer's use of the constructs. These profiles provided detailed information about writing skills that may be essential for postsecondary success. In study 2, the researchers collected additional measures of student domain-general knowledge and intrapersonal skills and examples of coursework writing. While most students who participated were enrolled in first-year writing courses, students in study 2 did come from multiple disciplines, such as science, humanities, or psychology to help ensure a broad range of genres and writing samples. Control Condition: Given the exploratory nature of this project, there is no control condition. Key Measures: The researchers evaluated writing-specific and domain-general knowledge using subtests of ETS's HEIghten assessment and intrapersonal factors using existing motivation and interest scales. They collected administrative data on students' overall GPA and GPA from writing intensive courses, course completion, major course enrollment and completion, and retention in college for up to five semesters following primary data collection. Data Analytic Strategy: The researchers used multiple analytic methods such as principal components analysis and regression to study the relationships among the AWE-identified linguistic features and among those features, critical thinking, intrapersonal factors, writing skills (as captured by AWE feature measures), and other postsecondary outcomes. Products and Publications ERIC Citations: Find available citations in ERIC for this award here. Publicly Available Data: Publicly available data can be found at the ETS Github site at this link. Select Publications: Book Chapter Burstein, J. McCaffrey, D.F., Holtzman, S., & Beigman Klebanov, B. (2023). Making sense of college students’ writing achievement and retention with automated writing evaluation. in V. Yaneva, M. Von Davier (Eds). Advancing Natural Language Processing in Educational Assessment (pp. 217-234). Taylor & Francis. Burstein, J., Riordan, B., & McCaffrey, D. (2020). Expanding automated writing evaluation. In, Yan, D., Rupp, A. A., & Foltz, P. W. (Eds.) Handbook of Automated Scoring: Theory into Practice (pp 329-346). CRC Press. 329–346 Journal Articles Hazelton, L., Nastal, J., Elliot, N., Burstein, J. & McCaffrey, D. (2021). Formative automated writing evaluation: A standpoint theory of action. Journal of Response to Writing, 7(1), 37–91. Ling, G., Elliot, N., Burstein, J. C., McCaffrey, D. F., MacArthur, C. A., & Holtzman, S. (2021). Writing motivation: A validation study of self-judgment and performance. Assessing Writing, 48, 100509. McCaffrey, D.F., Zhang, M., & Burstein, J (2022). Across performance contexts: Using automated writing evaluation to explore student writing. The Journal of Writing Analytics, 6, , 167–199. DOI: 10.37514/JWA-J.2022.6.1.07 Oddis, K., Burstein, J., Holtzman, S., & McCaffrey, D.F. (2022). A framework for analyzing features of writing curriculum in studies of student writing achievement. The Journal of Writing Analytics, 6, 95–144. DOI: 10.37514/JWA-J.2022.6.1.05 Proceedings Burstein, J., McCaffrey, D., Elliot, N., Beigman Klebanov, B., Molloy, H., Houghton, P. & Mladineo, Z. (2020). Exploring writing achievement and genre in postsecondary writing . In Companion Proceedings in the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK20), pp 53–55. Full text Burstein, J., McCaffrey, D., Beigman Klebanov, B., & Ling, G. (2017). Exploring relationships between writing and broader outcomes with automated writing evaluation. In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building Educational Applications, pp. 101–108. Full Text Burstein, J., McCaffrey, D., Beigman Klebanov, B., Ling, G., & Holtzman, S. (2019). Exploring writing analytics and postsecondary success indicators. In Companion Proceedings 9th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK19), pp. 213–214. Full Text McCaffrey, D., Holtzman, S., Burstein, J., and Beigman Klebanov, B. (2021). What can we learn about college retention from student writing? To appear in Companion Proceedings in the 11th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK21). |
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