IES Grant
Title: | Postdoctoral Training in Intervention Research for Children with Disruptive Behavior Disorders | ||
Center: | NCSER | Year: | 2009 |
Principal Investigator: | Pelham, William | Awardee: | Florida International University |
Program: | Postdoctoral Research Training Program in Special Education and Early Intervention [Program Details] | ||
Award Period: | 7/1/2009 – 6/30/2012 | Award Amount: | $445,800 |
Type: | Training | Award Number: | R324B090010 |
Description: | Previous Award Number: R324B090001 This postdoctoral program trained three postdoctoral fellows on contemporary intervention research design and evaluation with a focus on behavior disorders. Fellows received advanced training in randomized controlled trials; sequential, multiple assignment, randomized trials; quasi-experimental designs; and single-case experimental designs. The fellowship centered on two or more research projects led by the mentoring faculty; for example, an evaluation of a daily report card intervention for students with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a comparative and sequencing study of medication and behavioral interventions in school settings, and a project focused on facilitating the transition of high school students with ADHD to college settings. Postdoctoral Fellows Derefinko, Karen (ORCID) As of 2020, Dr. Derefinko was an assistant professor at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Dr. Graziano was an associate professor at Florida International University, and Dr. Hart was an assistant professor at Florida International University. Products and Publications Book chapter Derefinko, K.D., and Pelham, W.E. (2016). ADHD and Substance Use. In K. Sher (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Substance Use and Substance Use Disorders, Volume 2. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199381708.013.18 Derefinko, K.J., and Lynam, D.R. (2013). Psychopathy From the Perspective of the Five-Factor Model of Personality. In P.J. Costa, and T.A. Widiger (Eds.), Personality Disorders and the Five-Factor Model of Personality (3rd ed., pp. 103–117). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. doi:10.1037/13939-007 Journal article, monograph, or newsletter Bagner, D., and Graziano, P. (2013). Barriers to Success in Parent Training for Young Children With Developmental Delay: The Role of Cumulative Risk. Behavior Modification, 37(3): 356–377. doi:10.1177/0145445512465307 Bagner, D., Graziano, P., Jaccard, J., Shinkopf, S., Vohr, B., and Lester, B. (2012). An Initial Investigation of Baseline Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia as a Moderator of Treatment Outcome for Young Children Born Premature With Externalizing Behavior Problems. Behavior Therapy, 43: 652-665. doi:10.1016/j.beth.2011.12.002 Derefinko, K.J., DeWall, C.N., Metze, A.V., Walsh, E.C., and Lynam, D.R. (2011). Do Different Facets of Impulsivity Predict Different Types of Aggression? Aggressive Behavior, 37(3): 223–233. doi:10.1002/ab.20387 Graziano, P., Bagner, D., Shinkopf, S., Vohr, B., and Lester, B. (2012). Evidence-Based Intervention for Young Children Born Premature: Associated Changes in Physiological Regulation. Infant Behavior and Development, 35: 417-428. doi:10.1016/j.infbeh.2012.04.001 Graziano, P., Bagner, D., Waxmonsky, J., Reid, A., McNamara J., and Geffken, G. (2012). Co-Occurring Weight Problems Among Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): The Role of Executive Functioning. International Journal of Obesity, 36(4): 567–572. doi:10.1038/ijo.2011.245 Graziano, P., Calkins, S.D., and Keane, S.P. (2011). Cardiovascular Regulation Profile Predicts Developmental Trajectory of BMI and Pediatric Obesity. Obesity, 19(9): 1818–1825. doi:10.1038/oby.2011.98 Graziano, P., Geffken, G., and Lall, A. (2011). Heterogeneity in the Pharmacological Treatment of Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Cognitive, Behavioral, and Social Functioning Differences. Journal of Attention Disorders, 15: 382–391. doi:10.1177/1087054710367772 Graziano, P., Geffken, G., and McNamara, J.P. (2011). Atypical Behaviors and Comorbid Externalizing Symptoms Equally Predict Children With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder's Social Functioning. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 42(4): 377–389. doi:10.1007/s10578-011-0224-7 Graziano, P., Geffken, G.R., McNamara, J.P., and Reid, A. (2011). Severity of Children's ADHD Symptoms and Parenting Stress: A Multiple Mediation Model of Self-Regulation. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 39(7): 1073–1083. doi:10.1007/s10802-011-9528-0 Graziano, P., Keane, S.P., and Calkins, S.D. (2011). Sustained Attention Development During the Toddlerhood to Preschool Period: Associations With Toddlers' Emotion Regulation Strategies and Maternal Behavior. Infant and Child Development, 20(6): 389-408. doi:10.1002/icd.731 Graziano, P., Kelleher, R., Calkins, S., Keane, S., and O'Brien, M. (2013). Predicting Weight Outcomes in Preadolescence: The Role of Toddlers' Self-Regulation Skills and the Temperament Dimension of Pleasure. International Journal of Obesity, 37(7): 937–942. doi:10.1038/ijo.2012.165 Graziano, P., McNamara, J.P., Geffken, G., and Reid, A. (2013). Differentiating Co-Occurring Behavior Problems in Children with ADHD: Patterns of Emotional Reactivity and Executive Functioning. Journal of Attention Disorders, 17(3): 249–260. doi:10.1177//1087054711428741 Lim, C., Graziano, P., Janicke, D., Gray, W., Ingerski, L., and Silverstein, J. (2011). Peer Victimization and Depressive Symptoms in Obese Youth: The Role of Perceived Social Support. Children's Health Care, 40(1): 1–15. doi:10.1080/02739615.2011.537929 Sibley, M.H., Pelham, W.E., Derefinko, K.D., Kuriyan, A.B., Sanchez, F., and Graziano, P.A. (2013). A Pilot Trial of Supporting Teens' Academic Needs Daily (STAND): A Parent-Adolescent Collaborative Intervention for ADHD. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 35(4): 436–449. doi:10.1007/s10862-013-9353-6 Sibley, M.H., Pelham, W.E., Molina, B.S.G., Gnagy, E.M, Waxmonsky, J.G., Waschbusch, D.A, Derefinko, K.J., Wymbs, B.T., Garefino, A.C., Babinski, D.E., and Kuriyan, A.B. (2012). When Diagnosing ADHD in Young Adults Emphasize Informant Reports, DSM Items, and Impairment. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 80(6): 1052-1061. doi:10.1037/a0029098 |
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