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IES Grant

Title: Preparing Scholars for Rigorous Mixed-Method Studies of K-20 Education Policies and Programs: The Collaborative Researchers for Education Sciences Training (CREST) Program
Center: NCER Year: 2009
Principal Investigator: Abbott, Robert Awardee: University of Washington
Program: Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences      [Program Details]
Award Period: 5 years Award Amount: $4,773,751
Type: Training Award Number: R305B090012

The Collaborative Researchers for Education Sciences Training (CREST) program at the University of Washington brought together faculty from six schools and departments: Educational Psychology, Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Evans School of Public Affairs, Sociology, Economics, and Social Work. The CREST program was overseen by Center for the Study of Teaching and Learning (CT) within the University of Washington College of Education. The team of faculty and students participating in the CREST program concentrated on studying and evaluating policies that relate to educational reform across the K–20 continuum, with special emphasis on those that affect struggling learners within and across levels of the system, especially in high school and postsecondary institutions. Through coursework, mentoring, and research apprenticeships, CREST fellows learned to use sophisticated mixed-methods designs that add to the understanding of policy design, implementation, and effects in the K–20 realm.

List of Completed Fellows: Below is a list of the 23 fellows who received funding support from this award and completed the training program.

Ackert, Liz Li, Amy (ORCID)
Apple, Elizabeth (ORCID) Linsin, Tavis
Barron, Ivan Maas, Tricia
Blume, Grant (ORCID) Martinez, Eligio (ORCID)
Brown, Tiffany Matson, Shannon
Cobb, Andrea Nordengren, Chase (ORCID)
DeArmond, Mike Patton, Deleena
Destler, Katharine (Kate) Rainey, Lydia
Hernandez, José (ORCID) St. John, Elise
Huntington-Klein, Nick (ORCID) Torres, Kathryn (ORCID)
Kinne-Clawson, Alicia Tran, Christine
LaSota, Robin

Project Website:

Products and Publications

ERIC Citations:  Find available citations in ERIC for this award here.

Select Publications From Completed Fellows:

Journal articles

Ackert, E. (2017). Determinants of Mexican-origin dropout: The roles of Mexican Latino/a destinations and immigrant generation. Population Research and Policy Review, 36(3), 379–414.

Blume, G. (2011). Funding postsecondary education for undocumented students in the United States. Libraries Test Journal, 1(1), 36–55.

Blume, G. H., & Long, M. C. (2014). Changes in levels of affirmative action in college admissions in response to statewide bans and judicial rulings. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 36(2), 228–252.

Blume, G. H., & Zumeta, W. M. (2014). The state of state college readiness policies. American Behavioral Scientist, 58(8), 1071–1092.

Destler, K. N. (2017). A matter of trust: Street level bureaucrats, organizational climate and performance management reform. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 27(3), 517–534.

Destler, K. N. (2016). Creating a performance culture: Incentives, climate, and organizational change. The American Review of Public Administration, 46(2), 201–225.

Huntington-Klein, N. (2018). College choice as a collective decision. Economic Inquiry, 56(2), 1202–1219.

Huntington-Klein, N. (2016). "(Un) informed College and Major Choice": Verification in an alternate setting. Economics of Education Review, 53, 159–163.

Huntington-Klein, N. (2015). Subjective and projected returns to education. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 117, 10–25.

Huntington-Klein, N., & Ackert, E. (2018). The Long Road to Equality: A Meta-Regression Analysis of Changes in the Black Test Score Gap Over Time. Social Science Quarterly, 99(3), 1119–1133.

LaSota, R. R., & Zumeta, W. (2016). What matters in increasing community college students' upward transfer to the baccalaureate degree: Findings from the beginning postsecondary study 2003–2009. Research in Higher Education, 57(2), 152–189.

Li, A. Y. (2017). Dramatic declines in higher education appropriations: State conditions for budget punctuations. Research in Higher Education, 58(4), 395–429.

Li, A. Y. (2017). Covet Thy Neighbor or "Reverse Policy Diffusion"? State Adoption of Performance Funding 2.0. Research in Higher Education, 58(7), 746–771.
