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1st Playable Productions
21st Century Partnership for STEM Education
2Sigma School
3-C Institute for Social Development
AbleLink Technologies
Abt Associates, Inc.
Active Artz
ActiveEd Joint Venture
Advanced Fuel Research, Inc.
Agile Mind, Inc.
Alabama State Department of Education
Alaska Department of Education and Early Development
Allegheny Singer Research Institute
Alterea, Inc.
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
American Councils for International Education
American Educational Association, Inc.
American Institutes for Research (AIR)
American University
Amira Learning, Inc.
Analytic Force
Analytic Measures, Inc.
Anautics, Inc.
Ansya Enterprise Solutions
AP Ventures, LLC
Apprion, LLC
Arizona Department of Education
Arizona State University
Arkansas Department of Education
Assistech Systems, LLC
Attainment Company, Inc.
Attention Control Systems, Inc.
Aufero, Inc.
Avencia, Inc.
Ball State University
Baylor University
Beach Day Studios, LLC
Berkeley Policy Associates
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study (BSCS)
Biostatistical Programming Associates, Inc.
Boise State University
Boston College
Boston University
Boulder Language Technologies Inc.
BrightHive, Inc.
Brookings Institution
Brown University
California Department of Education
California State University, Chico
California State University, Long Beach
California State University, Los Angeles
California State University, Sacramento
Canisius College
Caprock Creative
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Carnegie Learning, Inc.
Carnegie Mellon University
Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST)
Center for Civic Education
Center for Research in Emotional and Social Health, Inc. (CRESH)
Center for Resource Management, Inc.
Cerebellum Corp.
Chapin Hall Center for Children
Charmtech Labs LLC
Chesapeake Research Associates, LLC
Chibitronics Inc
Child Trends
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Children's Institute
Children's National Research Institute
Children's Progress, Inc.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
City University of New York (CUNY)
Clemson University
Cleveland State University
CNA Corporation
Cognitive Toybox
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
College of the Holy Cross
Colorado Department of Education
Colorado Department of Higher Education
Colorado State University
Columbia University
Common Ground Publishing, LLC
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Public School System
Community Knowledgebase, LLC
Concentric Research & Evaluation
Connecticut Department of Education
Connecticut Office of Higher Education
Core Learning
Cornell University
Correctional Education Association (CEA)
Corridor Training Systems, Inc.
Council of the Great City Schools
Creative Action, Inc.
Creava, Inc.
Current Conceptions, Inc.
CYBER Learning Corporation
Delaware Department of Education
DePaul University
Development Associates, Inc.
Development Services Group, Inc.
dfusion Inc.
Digital Promise Global
District of Columbia Public Schools
Diversified Construction, Inc.
Duke University
Duquesne University
Early Learning Labs
East Carolina University
EdBoost Education Corporation
Edifii, Inc
Edify Technologies, Inc
EdResearcher LLC
Education Analytics, Inc.
Education Development Center, Inc.
Education Modified
Education Northwest
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Electric Funstuff
Emory University
Empirical Education, Inc.
Ergopedia, Inc.
Erikson Institute
eSpark, Inc.
Eugene Research Institute
Evaluation and Applied Research Associates
Fablevision, Inc.
FACET Innovations
FigStar Learning, LLC
Filament Games
Flip Learning
Florida Atlantic University
Florida Department of Education
Florida International University
Florida State University
Fluidity Software, Inc.
Fokus Labs
Fordham University
Foundations in Learning
Frontier Solutions
Future Engineers
Future Engineers, LLC
G8four Consulting
GaiaXus LLC
Ganahal Software, Inc.
George Mason University
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia State University
Gigantic Mechanic
Grant Thornton LLP
Graspable Inc
Guam Department of Education
HandHold Adaptive, LLC
Happy People Games, LLC
Harvard University
Haskins Laboratories
Hatchuel Tabernik and Associates
Hats & Ladders, Inc.
Hawaii State Department of Education
HighScope Educational Research Foundation
Hope, Inc.
Hugo W Moser Research Institute at Kennedy Krieger, Inc.
Hunter College, CUNY
HyperGalaxy, Inc.
Illinois State University
Imagine Education
Immersed Games Inc
Improve, LLC
Indelible Learning, Inc.
Indiana Department of Education
Indiana University
Infomosaic Corporation
Information Research Corporation
Inletech, LLC
Innocent Technologies, LLC
Innovation Design Labs
Innovation Research and Training, Inc.
Insight Learning Technology, Inc.
Insight Policy Research
INSIGHTS Intervention, LLC
Instagrok, Inc.
Institute for Disabilities Research and Training, Inc.
Institute for Research and Reform in Education (IRRE)
Instructional Research Group
Insuractive, Inc. (IAI)
Interactive Training Technologies
Iota Solutions, Inc.
Iowa Department of Education
Iowa State University
IRIS Media, Inc.
Johns Hopkins University
Kansas Department of Education
KCP Technologies
Kennedy Krieger Institute, Inc.
Kent State University
Kentucky Department of Education
Kibeam Learning, Inc.
Kiko Labs, Inc.
Killer Snails
King’s Peak Technology, Inc.
Kinoo, Inc.
Knowledge Analysis Technologies, LLC
Knowledge Athletes
KU Leuven
Lake Forest College
Lane Educational Service District
Language Learning Partners
Learnimation, LLC
Learning Ovations
Learning Point Associates
LearnPlatform, Inc.
Lehigh University
LessonLab, Inc.
Life Technologies
Lighthaus, Inc.
Lightside Labs, Inc.
LightUp, Inc.
Liminal Esports LLC
Lingo Jingo
Linguistic Inc
LiveSchool, Inc.
Louisiana State University
Loyola University Chicago
Maine Department of Education
Makefully LLC
Makefully, LLC
Maryland Department Of Education
Marzano Research
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Mateo Software Consulting
May Institute
McLean Hospital
Measured Progress
Media Group of CT
Meeting the Challenge, Inc.
Mentor Machines, LLC
Miami Museum of Science
Miami University
Michigan Department of Education
Michigan State University
Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL)
Middle Tennessee State University
Mills College
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Mindset Works, LLC
Minnesota Department of Education
Minott-Weihnacht Productions, Inc.
Mississippi State University
MolySym, Inc.
Montana Office of Public Instruction
Morgan State University
MPR Associates, Inc.
Mtelegence Corporation
Muzology, LLC
MW Productions, Inc.
Myriad Sensors, Inc.
Myriad Sensors, Inc. (Doing business as PocketLab)
National Academy of Education
National Academy of Sciences
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
National Opinion Research Center (NORC)
Natural Math
Nebraska Department of Education
Nemours Foundation
Neuron Farms, LLC
Nevada Department of Education
Nevada System of Higher Education
New Hampshire Department of Education
New Jersey Department of Education
New York University
New York University School of Medicine
Nia Solutions Corporation
Nimble Assessments
Nimble Hiring, PBC
North Carolina Central University
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
North Carolina State University
North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
Northeastern University
Northern Arizona University
Northern Illinois University
Northwestern University
Northwestern University, Chicago
Oakland Unified School District
Ohio Department of Education
Ohio State University
Ohio University
Oko Labs, Inc.
Old Dominion University
One Planet Education Network
Oregon Department of Education
Oregon Health and Science University
Oregon Research Institute
Oregon Social Learning Center
Oregon State University
Orelena Hawks Puckett Institute
Oxton House Publishers, LLC
P20 Strategies, LLC
Pacific Institutes for Research
Parametric Studios, Inc.
Pennsylvania Department of Education
Pennsylvania State University
Pepperdine University
Play Works Studio
Playspaces, Inc.
Polyhedron Learning Media, Inc.
Portland State University
Positive Action, Inc.
Practica Research, LLC
Pragmatic Solutions, Inc.
Presence Telecare, LLC
Progress Education Corporation
Public Policy Institute of California
Purdue University
Quantum Simulations, Inc.
Queens College, CUNY
Rady Children's Hospital Health Center
RAND Corporation
RapStudy Inc.
Reading Ways, Inc.
Readingware, LLC
Research For Action
Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.
Research Triangle Institute
Rhode Island Department of Education
Rice University
Ripple Effect
Rock by Rock
Rockman et al.
RTI International
Rush University Medical Center
Rutgers University
Ryll International, LLC
Safe Toddles
Saint Louis University
Saint Paul Public Schools, ISD 625
San Diego State University
San Francisco State University
Schell Games
School Leadership Center of Greater New Orleans
ScienceMedia, Inc.
SciQuiry, Inc.
Scrible, Inc.
Search Institute
Seattle Children's Hospital
Second Avenue Software
Select-O-Sep, LLC
Seton Hall University
Seward Incorporated
Simbulus, Inc.
SimInsights, Inc.
Sirius Thinking, Ltd.
Siskin Children's Institute
Smart Girls HQ, LLC
Snowbright Studio
Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness
Software Outfitters, Inc.
Soterix Medical
South Carolina Department of Education
South Dakota Health Technology
Southern Methodist University
Southern Regional Education Board
Southwest Educational Development Corporation (SEDL)
Sown to Grow, Inc.
Speak Agent
Spectrum Education Group, LLC
Spry Fox
SRI International
Stanford University
STAR Autism Support
State University of New York (SUNY), Albany
State University of New York (SUNY), Amherst
State University of New York (SUNY), Binghamton
State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo
State University of New York (SUNY), Empire State College
StoryWorld International Corp
Strange Loop Games
Strategic Education Research Partnership (SERP) Institute
Student Employment Software
studio:Sckaal group LLC
Success for All Foundation
SVR, Inc.
Syracuse University
Tactus Technologies, Inc.
Teachers College, Columbia University
Teaching Research Institute, LLC
Teachley, LLC
TeachTown, LLC
Technical Education Research Centers, Inc. (TERC)
Temple University
Tennessee Board of Regents
Tennessee Department of Education
Texas A&M University
Texas Christian University
Texas Education Agency
Texas State University
The Athena Group, Inc.
The College of William and Mary
The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids)
The Learning Partnership
The McKenzie Group
The Research Foundation for the State University of New York
Thought Cycle, Inc.
Tracen Technologies, Inc.
Triad Digital Media
Tufts Medical Center
Tufts University
Tulane University
Turnaround for Children, Inc.
United Negro College Fund Special Programs Corporation
University of Alabama, Birmingham
University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
University of Arizona
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University of Connecticut Health Center
University of Delaware
University of Denver
University of Florida
University of Georgia
University of Hawaii
University of Houston
University of Illinois, Chicago
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
University of Iowa
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University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc.
University of Kentucky
University of Louisiana, Lafayette
University of Louisville
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University of Maryland, Baltimore County
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Massachusetts, Amherst
University of Massachusetts, Boston
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
University of Massachusetts, Medical School
University of Memphis
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University of Michigan
University of Michigan, Flint
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri, Columbia
University of Missouri, Kansas City
University of Nebraska, Lincoln
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
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University of Tennessee, Knoxville
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University of Texas, El Paso
University of Texas, San Antonio
University of Vermont
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University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
Urban Institute
US Teach, Inc.
UserWorks, Inc.
Utah State Office of Education
Utah State University
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Vantage Point Consulting
Virginia Commonwealth University
Virginia Department of Education
Vizmoo, LLC
Vkidz, Inc.
Vogel & Associates
W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
Wake Forest University Health Sciences
Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
Washington Research Institute
Washington State University
Washington University, St. Louis
Wayne State University
Weber State University
Western Michigan University
WGBH Educational Foundation
Whimsica Toys
Wisconsin Department of Education
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Wyoming Department of Education
xSEL Labs
Yale University
ZenStudy LLC
Zuni Learning Tree
Principal Investigator
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Abbott, Claire J.
Abbott, Robert
Abedi, Jamal
Aber, J. Lawrence
Abrams, Lisa M.
Acar, Selcuk
Adams, Ryan
Adlof, Suzanne
Adukia, Anjali
Ahn, June
Aitken, Irit
Aitken, Murray
Akey, Terri
Akiba, Motoko
Al Otaiba, Stephanie
Alamprese, Judith
Albers, Craig
Alberto, Paul
Aleven, Vincent
Alexander, Karl
Ali, Alisha
Ali, Saba
Alibali, Martha W.
Allen, Abigail
Allen, Joseph
Allensworth, Elaine
Allor, Jill
Allred, Carol
Almirall, Daniel
Almond, Russell
Alonzo, Julie
Amendum, Steven
Anahideh, Hadis
Anastopoulos, Arthur
Anderson, Cynthia
Anderson, John
Anderson, Richard
Anderson-Inman, Lynne
Andrews, Jessica
Angel, Mark A.
Angell, Maureen
Anggoro, Florencia
Angrist, Joshua
Anthony, Jason
Apel, Kenn
Apthorp, Helen
Ardoin, Scott
Arens, Sheila
Arick, Joel
Armstrong, Crystal
Arneson, Amy
Arnold, Michael
Arnold, Sandra
Aronson, Joshua
Arshan, Nicole
Arslan, Burcu
Arteagoitia, Igone
Artzi, Lauren
Asmus, Jennifer
Atteberry, Allison
Attewell, Paul
Attridge, Jonathon
August, Diane
Austin, Megan
Avery, Christopher
Ayres, Kevin
Babinski, Leslie
Backes, Benjamin
Bae, Christine
Baggett, Kathleen
Baglin, Carol Ann
Bahr, Peter
Bailey, Craig
Bailey, Thomas
Baker, Eva
Baker, Ryan S.
Baker, Scott
Bakshi, Smita
Balfanz, Robert
Baraniuk, Richard
Barbera, Cynthia Harrison
Barnes, Marcia
Barnett, Elisabeth
Barnett, William
Barnett-Clarke, Carne
Baroody, Arthur
Barton, Erin
Bassok, Daphna
Batiza, Ann
Bauer, Malcolm
Bauer, Patricia
Baumann, James
Bayer, Patrick
Beal, Carole
Bean, Beth
Beaton, Albert
Becker, Adam
Becker, Stephen
Beecham, Robert
Beers, Donald
Beesley, Andrea
Beilock, Sian
Belenky, Daniel
Bell, Deanne
Belle, Deanne
Bellin, Harvey
Benner, Gregory
Bennett, Randy
Benson, James
Berdan, Robert
Berends, Mark
Beretvas, Natasha
Berg, Juliette
Berger, Larry
Bergin, Christi
Bernstein, Jared
Bernstein, Nate
Bess, Fred
Bettinger, Eric
Bettini, Elizabeth
Betts, Julian
Biancarosa, Gina
Bickman, Leonard
Bielinski, William
Bierman, Karen L.
Bigelow, Kathryn
Biggs, Elizabeth
Billman, Alison
Binning, Kevin R.
Bishop, Crystal D.
Biswas, Gautam
Bjork, Robert
Blacher, Jan
Blachman, Benita
Black, Alison
Blackorby, Jose
Blackstock-Bernstein, Anne
Blair, Clancy
Blair, Kwang-Sun
Blanton, Maria
Blazar, David
Bloom, Howard
Boardman, James
Bohannon, Marcia
Bolling, Michael
Bonifay, Wesley
Booth, Julie
Borek, Tyler
Borenstein, Michael
Borman, Geoffrey
Borman, Kathryn
Borman, Trisha
Borodin, Yevgen
Bos, Johannes
Bosley, Shannon
Bottge, Brian
Bottiani, Jessika
Boughton, Heather
Bowden, Brooks
Bowles, Ryan
Boyd, Brian
Boyle, Joseph
Bradshaw, Catherine
Bradshaw, Laine
Brady, Nancy
Brady, Susan
Brancaccio, Richard
Brandt, John
Brandt, Matthew
Branum-Martin, Lee
Bratsch-Hines, Mary
Braun, Henry
Breit, Allison
Brenner, Daniel
Brewster, Scott
Brinson, Anne
Britt, Anne
Brock, Matthew
Brock, Thomas
Broek, Paul van den
Brotman, Laurie
Browder, Diane
Brown, Carolyn
Brown, Joshua
Brown, Judy
Brown, Matt
Brown, Robert
Brown, Scott
Brownell, Mary
Bruhn, Allison
Brunner, Cornelia
Brunner, Eric J.
Bruns, Eric
Brunskill, Emma
Brunsting, Nelson
Bryant, Diane
Bryant, Donna
Bryer, Jason
Bryk, Anthony
Buchanan, Rohanna
Buddin, Richard
Buffington, Pamela
Burchinal, Margaret
Burg, Scott
Burkander, Kri
Burke, Timothy
Burstein, Jill
Bush, William
Buysse, Virginia
Buzhardt, Jay
Buzick, Heather M.
Byndloss, Crystal
Byrne, Virginia
Cabell, Sonia
Caccamise, Donna
Cai, Li
Calfee, Robert
Calhoon, Mary Beth
Callan, James
Calzada, Esther
Camacho, Christopher
Camarata, Steven
Camburn, Eric
Campbell, Dennis
Canada, Bethann
Cannata, Marisa
Capin, Philip
Cappella, Elise
Card, David
Carlisle, Joanne
Carlo, Maria
Carlson, Deven
Carlson, Elaine
Carlson, Janet
Carmichael, Ted
Carmona, Guadalupe
Carney, Donald
Carney, Michele
Carpenter, Jeffrey
Carpenter, Kara
Carr, Martha
Carta, Judith
Carter, Erik
Cartledge, Gwendolyn
Case-Smith, Jane
Casserly, Michael
Castek, Jill
Castleman, Benjamin
Catts, Hugh
Cavalluzzo, Linda
Cavell, Timothy
Cavenaugh, Brenda
Cawthon, Stephanie
Cerf, Christopher
Chafouleas, Sandra
Chambers, Bette
Chambers, Jay
Champagne, Matthew
Chan, Joshua
Chang, Hua-Hua
Chaparro, Erin
Chaplin, Duncan
Chapman, Robbin
Chaput, Linda
Chard, David
Cheetham, Robert
Cheney, Douglas
Cheng, Ying
Chi, Michelene
Childress, Debra
Chin, Tiffani
Cho, Eunsoo
Choi, Jeong Hoon
Chow, Jason
Christ, Theodore
Christopher, Catherine
Chugh, Kevin
Chun-Kai, Wang
Chung, Gregory
Ciancio, Dennis
Cimpian, Andrei
Cipriano, Christina
Cirino, Paul
Citkowicz, Martyna
Citro, Constance
Ciullo, Stephen
Clark, Damon
Clark, Douglas
Clark, Tedra
Clark-Chiarelli, Nancy
Clarke, Ben
Clausen, Robin
Cleghorn, Marisa
Clemens, Elysia
Clemens, Nathan
Clements, Douglas
Clements, Margaret
Closser, Avery
Cobb, Paul
Coffman, Jennifer
Coker, David
Collins, Alyson
Collins, J. Grace
Collins, James
Collins-Thompson, Kevyn
Compton, Donald
Conaway, Carrie
Condon, John
Connell, James
Connor, Carol M.
Connor, Jay
Conroy, Maureen
Constas, Mark
Cook, Bryan
Cook, Clayton R.
Cook, Daniel
Cook, James
Cook, Linda
Cook, Philip
Cook, Thomas
Cope, William
Copur-Gencturk, Yasemin
Corbett, Albert
Corbin, Andy
Cordray, David S.
Corto, Melissa
Costa, Lara-Jeane C.
Cottrell, Garrison
Cowan, Charles
Cowan, James
Coyne, Michael
Craig, Ashley
Craig, Holly
Crawford, April
Crawford, Lindy
Criley, Jasminka
Cromley, Jennifer
Cronen, Stephanie
Crosland, Kimberly
Crosnoe, Robert
Crosson, Amy
Cumming, Michelle
Cummings, Kelli
Cummins, Phyllis
Cunningham, Anne
Cunningham, Elizabeth
Cunningham, Jessica
Cuoco, Albert
Curry, Kendrick
Curtin, Robert
Cutuli, Joseph J.
Cycyk, Lauren
Cyr, Martha
Dachille, Lauren
Daehler, Kirsten
Dalmia, Anahita
Dalporto, Hannah
Dalton, Benjamin
Dalton, Bridget
Danielson, Louis
Darity, William
Darrah, Marjorie
Dart, Kevin
Darwin, Airola
Datta, Abhishek
Daugherty, Lindsay
Daunic, Ann
Davenport, Jodi
Davidson, Jason
Davies, Daniel
Davis, Caitlin
Davis, Carol
Davis, Dennis
Davis, Elisabeth
Davis, Naomi
Davison, Mark L.
Dawson, Shirley
De La Paz, Susan
de la Torre, Jimmy
De Los Reyes, Andres
Deane, Paul
Deaton, Russ
DeBarger, Angela
Dede, Christopher
Dee, Thomas
deGanahl, Brice
Delaney-Black, Virginia
Demaray, Michelle
Denham, Susanne
Denton, Carolyn
DeRosier, Melissa
Desimone, Laura
Deussen, Theresa
Dexter, Sara
DiBello, Louis
Dibley, Jeremiah
Dickinson, David
Dillon, Devin
DiPerna, James
Diracles, Alexandra
DiStefano, Christine
Doabler, Christian
Dodson, Melissa
Dolan, Robert P.
Doll, Elizabeth
Domagala, Dan
Domina, Thurston
Domingue, Benjamin
Donaldson, Keith
Donaldson, Morgaen
Dong, Nianbo
Donovan, Suzanne
Doran, Brian
Doran, Harold
Doren, Bonnie
Dorety, Mike
Dotger, Benjamin
Dougherty, Shaun M.
Douglas, Sarah
Downer, Jason
Dozier, Therese
Drake, Kelly
Draney, Karen
Driscoll, Mark
Droujkov, Dmitri
Drummond, Kathryn
Dubosarsky, Mia
Duch, Helena
Duchnowski, Albert
Dueñas, Ana
Duncan, Greg
Duncan, Kanesa
Dunlap, Glen
Dunlosky, John
Dunst, Carl
Duong, Mylien
DuPaul, George
Duppong Hurley, Kristin
Durgunoglu, Aydin
Durkin, Kelley
Dvorsky, Melissa
Dykstra Steinbrenner, Jessica
Dynarski, Susan
Early, Diane
Eccles, Jacquelynne
Ecton, Walter
Edery, David
Edgecombe, Nicole
Edmondson, Shawn
Edmunds, Julie
Edwards, Ann
Edwards, Jan
Effgen, Susan
Ehrenreich-May, Jill
Ehrlich, Stacy
Ehrlinger, Joyce
Eisenhower, Abbey
Ellefson, Michelle
Ellis, Charlotte
Elpus, Kenneth
Embretson, Susan
Enders, Craig
Engberg, John
Engel, Mimi
Englert, Kerry
Ennis, Robin Parks
Epple, Dennis
Epstein, Ann
Epstein, Mike
Ereth, Jamey
Erickson, Lori
Errato, Christopher
Espelage, Dorothy
Estacion, Angela
Estrada, Peggy
Estrapala, Sara
Evans, Steven
Fabiano, Gregory
Fadaoff, Sidney
Fahey, John
Fallon, Lindsay
Fantuzzo, John
Faria, Ann-Marie
Farkas, George
Farley, Daniel
Farmer, Thomas
Farr, Beverly
Farran, Dale
Faulkner-Bond, Molly
Favazza, Patricia
Feil, Edward
Fein, David
Feldman, Andrew
Feldon, David
Feller, Avi
Feng, Mingyu
Ferrell, Kay
Fettig, Angel
Feuer, Michael
Fickas, Stephen
Fidler, Deborah
Fien, Hank
Fillion, Judith
Finn, Bridgid
Finn, Jeremy
Finstein, Jeanne
Finzer, William
Fischer, Phyllis
Fischer-Baum, Simon
Fisher, Anna
Fisher, Benjamin
Fisher, Kelly
Fisher, Marisa
Fitzgerald, Gail
Flaherty, John
Flanagan, Ann
Flanagan, Constance
Flanagan, Timothy
Flannery, K. Brigid
Flay, Brian
Fleischman, Steven
Fleury, Veronica
Floden, Robert
Flook, Lisa
Flory, Kate
Flynn, Kylie
Foegen, Anne
Foorman, Barbara
Fountain, Cheryl
Francis, David
Franconeri, Steven
Frank, Jennifer
Frank, Kenneth
Frankel, Lois
Franklin, Shawn
Freiberg, Jerome
French, Brian
French, Mark
Frey, Andy
Friedland, Lewis
Friedrich, Dan
Fruehwirth, Jane
Fuchs, Douglas
Fuchs, Lynn
Fukada, Jan
Furlong, Michael
Gage, Nicholas
Gagnier, Kristin
Gagnon-Bartsch, Johann
Galanter, Eugene
Gamoran, Adam
Gandhi, Allison
Ganley, Colleen
Ganz, J. B.
Gao, Niu
Garbacz, Andy
Garcia, Georgia
Garrett, Rachel
Garrett-Peters, Patricia
Garwood, Justin
Gaston, Sharon
Gattis, Robert
Gause, Marshall
Gee, Matt
Geenen, Sarah
Geier, Robert
Gelman, Andrew
Gelzheiser, Lynn
Gentile, Claudia
Gerde, Hope
Gerow, Stephanie
Gershenson, Seth
Gersten, Russell
Gettinger, Maribeth
Gholson, Barry
Gibson, Bradley
Gillam, Ronald
Gillam, Sandra Laing
Gilpin, Christina
Ginsburg, Golda
Ginsburg, Herbert
Giuliano, Laura
Glazer, Benjamin
Glenberg, Arthur
Glennie, Elizabeth
Gobert, Janice
Goddard, Roger
Godwin, Karrie
Goenka, Vishal
Goerge, Robert
Goldberg, David
Goldberger, Gary
Goldenberg, Claude
Golderberger, Gary
Goldhaber, Dan
Goldin-Meadow, Susan
Goldman, Susan
Goldrick-Rab, Sara
Goldring, Ellen
Goldstein, Howard
Goldstone, Robert
Golinkoff, Roberta
Gonzalez, Eugene
Gonzalez, Jorge
Goodman, Joshua
Goodwin, Amanda
Gopalakrishnan, Ajit
Gordon, Molly
Gordon, Rachel
Gort, Mileidis
Gosa, Kathleen
Gottfredson, Denise
Gottfredson, Gary
Gottfried, Michael
Govindaraju, Venugopal
Granger, Kristen
Grant, Andy
Grant, Kathryn
Gray, Abigail
Gray, Shelley
Graziano, Paulo
Greenberg, Daphne
Greenberg, Erica
Greenberg, Mark
Greenfield, Daryl
Greenleaf, Cynthia
Greenwood, Charles
Gresham, Frank
Griffin, Cynthia
Griffith, Brenda
Griffiths, Rebecca
Grigal, Meg
Grigorenko, Elena L.
Grimley, Benjamin
Grissmer, David
Grissom, Jason
Grodsky, Eric
Gropen, Jess
Gross, Deborah
Gross, James
Grossenbacher, Kathi
Grossman, Pamela
Grossnickle, Mark
Guarino, Cassandra
Guglielmi, Sergio
Gunn, Barbara
Guo, Ying
Gupta, Rupa
Guryan, Jonathan
Guthrie, James W.
Gutierrez-Clellen, Vera
Guttentag, Cathy
Haas, Eric
Haertel, Geneva
Hafner, Anne
Haggood, Patrick
Hagius, Ken
Hall, Allison
Hall, Colby
Hall, Tracey
Hall-Stoodley, Luanne
Hallberg, Kelly
Halpin, Peter
Halverson, Richard
Hamilton, Eric
Hamilton, Jennifer
Hammer, Carol
Hamre, Bridget
Han, Bing
Hand, Brian
Hankerson, Shenika
Hannaway, Jane
Hansen, Ben
Harbourne, Regina
Hardiman, Mariale
Harris, Christopher
Harris, Douglas N.
Harris, Joseph
Harris, Karen
Harrison, Ashley J.
Harsh, Rob
Hart, Cassandra M.
Hartman, William
Harvill, Eleanor
Hasselbring, Ted
Hastings, Matthew
Hauk, Shandy
Hebbeler, Kathleen
Hebert, Michael
Heckler, Andrew
Hedberg, Eric
Hedges, Larry
Heffernan III, Neil
Hegedus, Stephen
Heinrich, Carolyn
Hemmeter, Mary Louise
Hendrix, Jessica Ochoa
Henneberger, Angela
Henry, Gary
Henry, Richard (Jeff)
Heppen, Jessica
Herman, Joan
Herman, Keith
Herrmann Abell, Cari
Hester, Peggy
Hill, Jennifer
Hill, Laura
Hindman, Annemarie
Hirsh-Pasek, Kathryn
Hmelo-Silver, Cindy
Ho, Andrew
Hock, Michael
Hoffman, Thomas
Hoffmann, Jessica
Hoffmeister, Robert
Hohorst, James
Hojnoski, Robin
Hollands, Fiona
Holyoak, Keith
Homer, Bruce
Hong, Guanglei
Hooper, Stephen
Hopkins, Megan
Hopstock, Paul
Horn, Eva
Horner, Robert
Horst, Richard
Houchins, David
Houde, Donald
Houtenville, Andrew
Howard, Eboni
Hoxby, Caroline
Hsu, Thomas
Hsueh, JoAnn
Hu, Shouping
Hu, Xiangen
Hudson, Roxanne
Hughes, Carolyn
Hughes, Katherine
Hughes, Marie Tejero
Hughes, Rosemary
Huguley, James
Hume, Kara
Hunt, Pamela
Hurd, Noelle
Hurtig, Richard
Hurwitch, William
Hwang, Jin Kyoung
Ialongo, Nicholas
Iatarola, Patrice
Imberman, Scott
Inaba, Karrie
Ingvalson, Erin
Invernizzi, Marcia
Iovannone, Rose
Ip, Edward
Irion-Groth, Alissa
Irvin, Dwight
Isecke, Harriet
Israel, Lana
Iwatani, Emi
Jackson, Carla
Jacob, Brian A.
Jacob, Robin
Jamieson, Jeremy
Jarudi, Izzat
Jayanthi, Madhavi
Jekielek, Susan
Jennings, Patricia
Jha, Rajesh
Jin, Hui
Jitendra, Asha
Joffee, Elga
Johnson, Benny
Johnson, Carla
Johnson, David
Johnson, Deborah
Johnson, Evelyn
Johnson, Janet
Johnson, LeAnne
Johnson, Sandra
Johnson-Glenburg, Mina
Jonas, Deborah
Jones, Nathan
Jordan, Nancy
Jordan-Douglass, Anna
Juillerat, Beth
Junker, Brian
Justice, Laura
Kahne, Joseph
Kai Ani, Karim
Kaiser, Ann
Kalish, Charles
Kamata, Akihito
Kame'enui, Ed
Kamphaus, Randy
Kamps, Debra
Kane, Thomas
Kant, Elaine
Kantor, Rebecca
Kaplan, David
Karam, Rita
Karkar, Victor
Karpicke, Jeffrey
Karvonen, Meagan
Kasari, Connie
Katz, Sandra
Keating, Thomas
Keele, Luke
Keller, John
Keller-Margulis, Milena
Kellman, Philip
Kemple, James
Kendeou, Panayiota
Kendziora, Kimberly
Kennedy, Joy
Kennedy, Michael
Kennedy, Patrick C.
Kern, Lee
Kersting, Nicole
Ketterlin Geller, Leanne
Khan, Saad
Kharitonova, Maria
Khurana, Atika
Kiefer, Kurt
Kieffer, Michael J.
Kilbride, Tara
Kilburn, M. Rebecca
Kilgus, Stephen
Kim, Dae
Kim, Young-Suk
Kincaid, Donald
Kinzie, Mable
Kirkland, David
Kiryev, Kirill
Klahr, David
Kleifgen, JoAnne
Kleinberg, Hershel
Klingbeil, David
Klute, Mary
Knight, Jim
Knowlton, Earle
Koedinger, Kenneth
Kolstad, Andrew
Komatsubara, Kristin
Konstantopoulos, Spyros
Kopriva, Rebecca
Koretz, Daniel
Korsmo, Tracy
Kothari, Manish
Kotula, Andrea
Koutsoftas, Anthony
Kraft, Matthew
Krajewski, John
Kratochwill, Thomas
Krause, Lynn
Krawec, Jennifer
Kreisman, Daniel
Kritzer, Karen
Kruse, Stacy
Kucan, Linda
Kuhn, Deanna
Kuhn, Laura
Kunda, Maithilee
Kurki, Anja
Kurlaender, Michal
Kurth, Jennifer
Kurtz, Kenneth
Kurz, Alexander
Kwan, Tammy
Kwan, Virginia S. Y.
Labrecque, Rachael
Lachat, Mary Ann
Ladd, Gary
Laffey, James
LaForce, Melanie
LaForett, Dore
Laham, Darrell D
Laham, Robert
Laidlaw, Scott
Laitusis, Cara Cahalan
Lakin, Joni
Lambert, Joseph
Lambert, Richard G.
Landa, Rebecca
Landauer, Thomas
Landry, Susan H.
Landy, David
Lane, Chad
Lane, Kathleen Lynne
Langberg, Joshua
Langendoen, David
Laris, BA
Larson, Anne
Larson, Madeline
LaSota, Robin
Laud, Leslie
Lauen, Douglas
Lawhon, Leigh
Lawless, Kimberly
Le Floch, Kerstin C.
Leaf, Philip
Lederberg, Amy
Ledford, Jennifer
Lee, Carol D.
Lee, Jaekyung
Lee, JoonHo
Lee, Okhee
Lee, Tonya
Lee, Wynetta
Leff, Stephen
Legters, Nettie
Lehrer, Richard
Leigh, Yan
Leite, Walter
Lembke, Erica
Lemons, Christopher
Lesaux, Nonie
Lester, James
Leu, Donald
Levesque, Karen
Levin, Henry
Levinson, Richard
Levy, Roy
Lewis, Catherine
Lewis, Timothy
Li, Jun
Li, Linlin
Liao, Hsinchao
LiCalsi, Christina
Liden, Lars
Lifter, Karin
Lin, Albert
Lin, Tzu-Jung
Linas, Maura
Lincove, Jane
Lind, John
Lindstrom Johnson, Sarah
Lindstrom, Esther
Lindstrom, Lauren
Lipka, Jerry
Lipscomb, Shannon
Lipsey, Mark
Litman, Diane
Litschwartz, Sophie
Little, Judith
Little, Michael
Littman, Diane
Liu, Lei
Lloyd, Blair
Loannidou, Andri
LoCasale-Crouch, Jennifer
Locke, Jill
Lockwood, J. R.
Loeb, Diane
Loeb, Susanna
Logue, Alexandra
Loken, Eric
Lombardi, Allison
Long, Bridget Terry
Lonigan, Christopher
Lopata, Christopher
López, Lisa
Lopuch, Maya
Lorch, Elizabeth
Lorié, William
Lubienski, Sarah
Luft Baker, Doris
Luft de Baker, Doris
Luo, Wen
Luze, Gayle
Lynch, Jack
Lyon, Aaron
Lytle Begonia, Jennifer
Ma, Xin
Mac Iver, Douglas
Mac Iver, Martha
MacArthur, Charles A.
Machalicek, Wendy
Mackay, Donald
Mackety, Dawn
Madden, Nancy A.
Madhyastha, Tara
Madison, Matthew
Magliano, Joseph
Maher, Michael
Mancilla-Martinez, Jeannette
Mandell, David
Mandinach, Ellen
Mangels, Jennifer
Manley, Anne Corinne
Manning, Sarah
Manship, Karen
Mantzicopoulos, Panayota
Manzeske, David
Mapes, Dan
Marggraff, Jim
Mariano, Louis
Marley, David
Marquez, Brion
Marsh, Elizabeth
Marshak, William
Martin, Carol Lynn
Martin, James
Martinez, Charles
Martinez, Michael
Martorell, Francisco
Marty, Paul
Mashburn, Andrew
Masia, Carrie
Mason, Linda
Mason, Rose
Masten, Ann
Master, Allison
Mathes, Patricia
Mathews, Hannah
Matlen, Bryan
Matsuda, Noboru
Matsumura, Lindsay Clare
May, Henry
Mayer, Alexander
Mayer, Richard
Mayfield, Elijah
Maynard, Rebecca
Mazzotti, Valerie
McBride, Bonnie
McBride, Brent
McCall, Brian
McCauley, Elizabeth
McClelland, James
McClelland, Megan
McClowry, Sandee
McConnell, Scott
McCord, Tina
McCormick, Meghan
McCray, Jennifer
McCutchen, Deborah
McDaniel, Heather
McFarlin Jr., Isaac
McGee, Steven
McGovern, Cherie
McGrath, Robert
McIntosh, Kent
McIntyre, Teresa
McKenna, Meaghan
McKeown, Margaret
McKoon, Gail
McKown, Clark
McLaren, Bruce
McLean, Leigh
McLeod, Bryce
McMaster, Kristen
McMillan, Janey
McNamara, Danielle
McNeil, Nicole
McNeish, Daniel
McNergney, Robert
McPartland, James
McWilliam, Robin
Meadan-Kaplansky, Hedda
Medlock, Leonard
Mehta, Paras
Mehus, Christoper J.
Melguizo, Tatiana
Mellard, Daryl
Mellor, Lynn
Mendelson, Tamar
Menekse, Muhsin
Meng, Jiangsha
Merkle, Edgar
Merlino, F. Joseph
Messinger, Daniel
Metcalfe, Janet
Meyer, Bonnie J.F.
Meyer, Glenn
Meyer, Robert
Michelmore, Katherine
Miciak, Jeremy
Mihaly, Kata
Mikami, Amori
Milanowski, Anthony T.
Miller, Candy
Miller, Darwin Trey
Miller, Dave
Miller, Kevin
Miller, Luke
Miller, Matt
Miller, Shazia
Miller, Trey
Millis, Keith
Milne, Brent
Milne, Catherine
Minott, Barry
Miratrix, Luke
Miron, Gary
Mishima, Paula
Mislevy, Jessica
Mitros, Piotr
Mix, Kelly
Miyake, Akira
Mocscatelli, Adrianna
Moeller, Babette
Moeyaert, Mariola
Mokher, Christine
Moller, Stephanie
Montague, Marjorie
Moorthy, Savitha
Morales, Camila
Morgan, Paul
Morical, Keith
Morin, Kristi
Morningstar, Mary
Morris, Pamela
Morris, Robin
Morrison, Frederick
Morrison, Jennifer R.
Moss, Pamela
Mostow, Jack
Motz, Benjamin
Mrazek, Michael
Mrug, Sylvie
Mulhern, Christine
Muller, Chandra
Muller, Douglas
Muncey, Donna
Mundy, Peter
Murnane, Richard
Murphy, P. Karen
Murphy, Scott
Murray, Christy
Murray, Desiree W.
Myers, David
Mykerezi, Elton
Nair, Madhu
Namkung, Jessica
Nathan, Mitchell
Natividad, Zenaida
Neelands, Kevin
Nelson, Gena
Nelson, J. Ron
Nelson, Nancy
Nelson, Nickola
Neppl, Tricia
Nese, Joseph
Nese, Rhonda
Neuman, Susan
Neville, Helen
Newcombe, Nora S.
Newell, George
Newland, David
Newman, Denis
Newman, George
Newman, Lynn
Ng, Mei Yi
Ngo, Federick
Nickerson, Amanda
Nielsen, Rodney
Nikula, Johannah
Nishina, Adrienne
Noam, Gil
Noble, Tracy
Noel, Jana
Nomi, Takako
Novick, Laura
Nugent, Gwen
Nylund-Gibson, Karen
Nystrand, Martin
O'Connell, Ann A.
O'Connor, Erin
O'Connor, Rollanda
O'Hara, Susan
O'Reilly, Tenaha
O’Dwyer, Laura
Obradovic, Jelena
Odden, Allan
Odom, Samuel
Ogut, Burhan
Oh, Yoonkyung
Olney, Andrew
Olsen, Robert
Olshock, Jonathan
Olson, Carol
Olson, Tom
Olukeye, Abi
Olynciw, Philip
Opatz, Margaret
Opfer, John
Opper, Isaac
Ornstein, Peter A.
Orsmond, Gael
Ortagus, Justin
Osher, David
Ostrosky, Michaelene
Ottmar, Erin
Owens, Douglas
Owens, Julie
Oyserman, Daphna
Özek, Umut
Packard, Rodney
Pager, Dana
Paley, Blair
Pane, John F.
Papay, John
Park, Toby
Parker, Alison
Parker, Caroline
Pas, Elise
Pashler, Harold E.
Pasnak, Robert
Patall, Erika
Patel, Snehal
Patrick, Helen
Patterson, Angela
Patton-Terry, Nicole
Paulson, John
Pavlik Jr., Philip
Pears, Katherine
Pearson, Jamie
Pearson, P. David
Pechman, Ellen
Pelham, William
Pellecchia, Melanie
Pellegrino, James
Pena, Elizabeth
Pennington, Jay
Pentimonti, Jill
Penuel, William R.
Perera, Rachel
Perfect, Michelle
Perfetti, Charles
Perin, Dolores
Perna, Laura
Perry, Justin
Perry, Michelle
Peters, Susan
Peterson, Dee
Peterson, Stephanie
Pfeiffer, Jay
Pfiffner, Linda
Phillips Galloway, Emily
Phillips, Beth M.
Pianta, Robert C.
Piasta, Shayne
Pigott, Therese
Pittenger, Linda A.
Piver-Renna, Jennifer
Plasman, Jay S.
Plass, Jan
Plucker, Jonathan
Poduska, Jeanne
Pondicherry, Tarun
Porter, Andrew
Porter, Kristin
Porter, Lorna
Portes, Pedro
Poteat, Paul
Potter, Leah
Potter, Robert
Powell, Douglas
Powell, Sarah
Power, Thomas
Powers, Laurie
Price, Philip
Priest, Jeff
Prins, Esther
Proctor, Patrick
Pu, Victoria
Pullmann, Michael
Puma, Michael
Puntambekar, Sadhana
Puranik, Cynthia
Purpura, David
Purtell, Kelly
Pustejovsky, James
Puzis, Yury
Qi, Jie
Quellmalz, Edys
Quigley, Charles
Quinn, Beth
Quinn, Emily
Quint, Janet
Quinteros, Alfredo
Raab, Melinda
Rabiner, David
Radner, Barbara
Ramanathan, Aparna
Ramey, Sharon
Rapp, David
Rappolt-Schlichtmann, Gabrielle
Raudenbush, Stephen
Raver, Cybele
Rawson, Katherine
Ray, Amber
Ream, David
Reardon, Sean
Reddy, Diane
Reddy, Linda
Redmond, Cleve
Reed, Deborah
Reichle, Erik
Reichow, Brian
Reinke, Wendy
Renzulli, Joseph
Resnick, Michael
Restrepo, Maria Adelaida
Reutzel, D. Ray
Rhine, Luke
Rhoades, Kimberly
Rhoads, Christopher
Richburg-Hayes, Lashawn
Richland, Lindsey
Rickles, Jordan
Riedlinger, Brian
Rieth, Sarah
Rijmen, Frank
Rimm-Kaufman, Sara
Riordan, Julie
Rips, Lance
Ritter, Steven
Rittle-Johnson, Bethany
Rivers, Susan
Roberts, Carly
Roberts, Garrett
Roberts, Greg
Roberts, Megan
Robson, Shirley
Rockoff, Jonah
Roderick, Melissa
Rodkin, Philip
Rodriquez, Baron
Roediger III, Henry
Roehrig, Alysia
Rogers, Sally
Rogoff, Natasha
Rohani, Faranak
Rohrer, Douglas
Rojewski, Jay
Romance, Nancy
Romano, Mollie
Romo, Harriett
Romski, MaryAnn
Rood, Magdalena
Root, Jenny
Roozeboom, Clifton
Ropp, Margaret Merlyn
Rosanbalm, Mary Katherine
Roschelle, Jeremy
Rose, Chad
Rosebery, Ann
Roseman, Jo Ellen
Rosen, Rachel
Rosenfield, Sylvia
Ross, Brian
Ross, Christine
Rothstein, Jesse
Rowan, Brian
Rowberry, Grant
Rowland, Charity
Roza, Marguerite
RTI International
Rubenstein, Matthew
Rubinstein, Matthew
Ruble, Lisa
Rudin, Thomas
Ruehlmann, Dietrich
Ruiz-Primo, Maria
Rumburger, Russell
Rus, Vasile
Rusby, Julie
Rushton, Gregory
Russell, Jennifer
Russell, Michael
Russo-Ponsaran, Nicole
Ryll, Marlene
Saavedra, Anna
Sabatini, John
Sabol, Terri
Sacerdote, Bruce
Sadler, Troy
Sailor, Wayne
Sailors, Misty W.
Salazar, Amy
Sales, Gregory
Salganik, Laura
Salinger, Terry
Sam, Ann M.
Sampson, Victor
Sanchez, Joe
Sanetti, Lisa
Sao Pedro, Mike
Sarama, Julie
Sarno, David
Sartain, Lauren
Sass, Tim
Saulnier, Tobi
Saunders, Kathryn
Savage, Daniel
Sawyer, L. Brook
Saxe, Geoffrey
Scales, Peter
Scanlon, Donna
Schaack, Diana
Schanzenbach, Diane Whitmore
Schatz, Nicole
Schell, Jesse
Scher, Lauren
Schertz, Hannah
Schiller, Ellen
Schleppegrell, Mary
Schmidt, Jim
Schmitt, Sara
Schneider, Christina
Schneider, Steve
Schnitz, Alana
Schoen, Robert
Schooler, Jonathan
Schott, Adam
Schultz, Brandon K.
Schwartz, Amy Ellen
Schwartz, Daniel
Schweig, Jonathan
Schweinhart, Larry
Sckaal, Randall
Scott, Judith
Scott, Marc
Scott, Terrance
Scott-Clayton, Judith
Secada, Walter
Seeley, John
Seeratan, Kavita
Seftor, Neil
Seidel, Kent
Seifer, Ronald
Seipel, Ben
Senechal, Jesse
Senger, Phillip L.
Sevcik, Rose
Shadish, William
Shah, Priti
Shanahan, Daniel
Shapiro, Amy
Shaw, Dara Zeehandelaar
Shearer, Rebecca
Sheehy, Margaret
Shepley, Collin
Sheridan, Susan
Sherman, Woody
Shernoff, Elisa
Shields, Katherine
Shin, Yongyun
Shire, Stephanie
Shochet, Joe
Shogren, Karrie
Shriner, James
Shute, Valerie
Sibley, Margaret
Siebert, Carl
Siegal, Sarah
Siegle, Del
Siegler, Robert
Silander, Megan
Silverman, Rebecca
Simmons, Deborah
Singletary, Lynn
Sinharay, Sandip
Sireci, Stephen G.
Skibbe, Lori
Slater, Robert
Slavin, Robert
Sloutsky, Vladimir
Smith, Patti
Smith, Robert
Smith, Stephanie
Smith, Stephen
Smith, Susan
Smith, Thomas
Smith, Toni
Smith, Tristram
Smith, Tyler
Smolkowski, Keith
Snell, Martha
Snipes, Jason
Snow, Catherine
Snyder, Patricia
Sojourner, Aaron
Solari, Emily
Solberg, V. Scott
Soliday Hong, Sandra
Solis, Michael
Solomon, Peter
Sommo, Colleen
Song, Mengli
Song, Yi
Sonnenschein, David
Sorby, Sheryl
Sorenson, Nicholas
Sorich Blackwell, Lisa
Sparapani, Nicole
Spartz, Jeremy
Spaulding, Scott
Speckman, Drew A.
Speilvogel, Christian
Spencer, Renee
Spencer, Trina
Spillane, James
Sprague, Jeffrey
Springer, Matthew G.
Spybrook, Jessaca
Squires, Jane
Srivastava, Manoj
Stahmer, Aubyn
Stallings, Trip
Stamler, Joan
Stamper, John
Stange, Kevin
Stanger, Carol
Stanhope, Daniel
Stapleton, Christopher
Stapleton, Laura
Star, Jon
Starkey, Prentice
Starner, Thad
Stauffer, Michael
Steacy, Laura
Steele, Jennifer
Stein, Marc
Stein, Mary
Steiner, Naomi
Steiner, Peter
Sternberg, Robert
Sternsem, Ronni
Steurer, Stephen
Stevens, Elizabeth
Stichter, Janine
Stiefel, Leanna
Stieff, Mike
Stigler, James
Stine-Morrow, Elizabeth
Stock, Steven
Stockton, Chad
Stoddard, Jeremy
Stodden, Robert
Stoica, Wendy
Stoker, Ginger
Stokes, S. Lynne
Stone, James
Stormont, Melissa
Stormshak, Elizabeth
Stout, William
Strain, Phillip
Strambler, Michael
Strand Cary, Mari
Strand, Paul S.
Strunk, Katharine
Stuart, Elizabeth
Student, Sanford
Stuhlman, Megan
Suhrheinrich, Jessica
Suldo, Shannon
Sullivan, Terri
Sumi, W. Carl
Summers, Jean Ann
Sun, Min
Supovitz, Jonathan
Suppes, Patrick
Suskind, Dana
Suter, Jesse C.
Sutherland, Kevin
Swanson, Christopher
Swanson, Elizabeth
Swanson, H. Lee
Sweet, Tracy
Taboada Barber, Ana
Taboada-Barber, Ana
Taheri, Rashin
Tamm, Leanne
Tannenbaum, Richard
Tanner, Sean
Tanner-Smith, Emily
Tannock, Rosemary
Taylor, Heather
Taylor, Holly
Taylor, Joseph A.
Taylor, Julie L.
Tedesco, Robert
Tennyson, Robert
Test, David
Tharp, Roland
Theobald, Roddy
Therriault, Susan
Therrien, William
Thiede, Keith
Thoemmes, Felix
Thompson, Aaron
Thompson, Clarissa
Thompson, James
Thompson, Karen
Thompson, Loren
Thompson, William
Thornburg, Kathy
Thurlow, Martha
Tierney, William
Tighe, Elizabeth
Timms, Michael
Tindal, Gerald
Tipton, Elizabeth
Tolan, Patrick
Tomchek, Scott
Tong, Cynthia
Torkelson-Trout, Alexandra
Torres, Alicia
Toste, Jessica
Trainor, Audrey A.
Travers, Nan
Trefry, Greg
Troia, Gary
Tropf, Lindsay
Tropf, Lindsey
Troyer, Margaret
Truckenmiller, Adrea
Tung, Rosann
Turcotte, Dan
Turner, Jeannine
Turner, Lindsey
Uccelli, Paola
Ullman, Nona
Umaña-Taylor, Adriana
Unlu, Fatih
Unruh, Deanne
Unterman, Rebecca
Upshur, Carole
Uttal, David
Vadasy, Patricia
Vaden-Kiernan, Michael
Valente, Matthew
Van den Noortgate, Wim
Van Norman, Ethan
Van Voorhis, Victoria
Vandell, Deborah L.
VanHoudnos, Nathan
Varghese, Manka
Varner, Fatima
Vasilyeva, Marina
Vaughn, Sharon
Vernon-Feagans, Lynne
Vigdor, Jacob
Villagomez, Lynette
Villodas, Miguel
Vincent, Claudia
Vinopol, Corrine
Visher, Mary
Vitiello, Virginia
Vocca, Mark
Vogel, Cathi
Voight, Adam
Volker, Martin
Volpe, Robert
von Davier, Matthias
von der Embse, Nathaniel
Votta, Peg
Voulgarides, Catherine
Wackerle-Hollman, Alisha
Wager, Anita
Wagner, Mary
Wagner, Richard
Wagner, Zach
Walker, Dale
Walker, Hill
Walkington, Candace
Wallsten, Thomas
Walqui, Aída
Walsh, Chris
Walsh, Mary
Walters, Kirk
Walton, Gregory
Wanchisen, Barbara
Wang, Caroline
Wang, Chun
Wang, Chun-Kai
Wang, Elaine
Wang, Ming-Te
Wang, Xiaohui Christine
Wanzek, Jeanne
Ward, Wayne
Wardhana, Grace
Warner, Miya
Warren, John
Warschauer, Mark
Wasik, Barbara
Waters, Gloria
Watkins, Susan
Watson, Linda
Watts, Tyler W.
Wayne, Andrew
Webb, Linda
Webb, Noreen
Webb, Norman
Webb, Timothy K.
Wegwerth, Sarah
Wehby, Joseph
Wehmeyer, Michael
Wei, Xin
Weihnacht, Doug
Weiland, Christina
Weinbaum, Elliot
Weiner, Randy
Weiss, Michael
Weissberg, Roger P.
Weissman, Evan
Weisz, John
Weitnauer, Erik R.
Weixler, Lindsay
Wendt, Adam
Wetherby, Amy
Wexler, Jade
White, Dan
Whitmer, Christopher
Whitmore, Diane
Whittaker, Tiffany
Whitten, William
Wickert, Jonathan
Wijekumar, Kausalai
Wilcox, M. Jeanne
Wiley, Jennifer
Wilkerson, Kimber
Wilkins, Susan
Wilkinson, Ian
Williams, Joanna
Williams, Kelly
Williams, Martha
Williams, Ryan
Williams-Diehm, Kendra
Williford, Amanda
Willoughby, Michael
Wills, Howard
Wilmot, Heather
Wilson, Cameron
Wilson, Joshua
Wilson, Mark
Wilson, Phillip
Wilson, Sandra
Wiltshire, Cynthia
Wing, Jean
Winter, Julia
Winter, Michael
Wise, Barbara
Wisniewski, Robin
Witkow, Melissa
Witmer, Sara
Witte, Amanda
Wolbers, Kimberly
Wolf, Mikyung
Wong, Vivian
Wood, Carla
Wood, Sharon
Wood, Sharon
Woods, Juliann
Woolf, Beverly
Wyckoff, James
Wylie, Caroline
Xu, Di
Xu, Xianxuan
Xu, Zeyu
Yamashita, Takashi
Yang, Ji Seung
Yang, Sung-Ae
Yarnall, Louise
Yellambhatla, Shashi
Yin, Yue
Yoder, Paul
Yoshikawa, Hirokazu
Young, Helen
Young, Jami
Zax, Jacob
Zehler, Annette
Zeiser, Kristina
Zepeda, Cristina
Zhai, Xiaoming
Zhang, Zhiyong
Zhu, Pei
Zimmerman, Barry
Zimmerman, Kathleen
Zinsser, Katherine
Zucker, Tricia
Zvoch, Keith
Zweig, Jacqueline
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AI-Driven Digital Platforms to Expand and Accelerate STEM Learning in PreK–12 Settings, Theme 6 Track A of the NSF National Artificial Intelligence Institute Competition
Arts in Education
Building Adult Skills and Attainment Through Technology Research Network
Career and Technical Education
Civics Education and Social Studies
Cognition and Student Learning
Community College Recovery Research Network
Continuous Improvement Research in Education
Digital Learning Platforms to Enable Efficient Education Research Network
Early Career Development and Mentoring Program for Education Research
Early Career Development and Mentoring Program for Faculty at Minority Serving Institutions
Early Learning Programs and Policies
Education Leadership
Education Research and Development Centers
Education Research and Development Centers: Improving Outcomes in Elementary Science Education
Education Research and Development Centers: Improving Rural Education
Education Research and Development Centers: K–12 Teacher Recruitment and Retention Policy
Education Research and Development Centers: Using Generative Artificial Intelligence to Augment Teaching and Learning in Classrooms
Education Technology
English Learners Policies, Programs, and Practices
Evaluation of State and Local Education Programs and Policies
Expanding the Evidence Base for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Research Network
Exploring Science Teaching in Elementary School Classrooms
Extending the Reach of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Research Network
Field Initiated Evaluations of Education Innovations
Foreign Language Education
From Seedlings to Scale
Improving Education Systems: Policies, Finance, Organization, Management, and Leadership
Improving Pandemic Recovery Efforts in Education Agencies
Leveraging Evidence to Accelerate Recovery Nationwide Network
Low-Cost, Short-Duration Evaluation of Education Interventions
Methods Training for Education Research
Pathways to the Education Sciences Research Training Program
Postdoctoral Research Training Program in the Education Sciences
Postsecondary and Adult Education
Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences
Prekindergarten Through Grade 12 Recovery Research Network
Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research
Reading for Understanding Research Initiative
Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication
Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice
Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships in Education Research
Scalable Strategies to Support College Completion Network
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
Small Business Innovation Research
Social and Character Development
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Context for Teaching and Learning
Special Topics in Education Research
Statistical and Research Methodology in Education
Statistical and Research Methodology in Education–Early Career
Strengthening Program Evaluation Capacity: Building Evidence of Effectiveness of Strategies to Increase Postsecondary Student Success Network (ALN 84.429A)
Supporting Early Learning From Preschool Through Early Elementary School Grades Network
Systemic Approaches to Educating Highly Mobile Students
Teaching, Teachers, and the Education Workforce
Training in Education Use and Practice
Transformative Research in the Education Sciences Grants Program
Unsolicited and Other Awards
Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Education Policymaking
NAEP Secondary Analysis Grants
National Assessment of Educational Progress
Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program
Unsolicited Awards
Accelerating the Academic Achievement of Students with Learning Disabilities Research Initiative
AI-Augmented Learning for Individuals with Disabilities
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Cognition and Student Learning in Special Education
Early Career Development and Mentoring
Early Intervention and Early Learning
Educators and School-Based Service Providers
Families of Children with Disabilities
Low-Cost, Short-Duration Evaluation of Special Education Interventions
Methods Training for Special Education Research
Postdoctoral Research Training Program in Special Education and Early Intervention
Reading, Writing, and Language
Research Grants Focused on NAEP Process Data for Learners with Disabilities
Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication in Special Education
Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Policy and Practice in Special Education: Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Research to Accelerate Pandemic Recovery in Special Education
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Small Business Innovation Research in Special Education
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Competence
Special Education Dissertation Research Fellowship Program
Special Education Research and Development Center Program
Special Topic: Career and Technical Education for Students with Disabilities
Special Topic: English Learners with Disabilities
Special Topic: Systems-Involved Students with Disabilities
Systems, Policy, and Finance
Technology for Special Education
Transition to Postsecondary Education, Career, and/or Independent Living
Unsolicited and Other Awards: Special Education Research
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No Goal
A3 Center
Adaptation for Scaling
Development and Evaluation
Development and Innovation
Development and Innovation, Efficacy
Development and Innovation, Pilot Only
Development and Measurement
Direct to Phase II Development
Efficacy and Development
Efficacy and Replication
Exploration and Development
Exploration and Efficacy
Exploration and Impact
Exploration and Measurement
Exploration, Development, Initial Efficacy
Fast Track
Initial Efficacy
Longitudinal Data System
Measurement and Development
Methodological Innovation
Methodological Innovation – Toolkits
Multiple Goals
Other Goal
Phase I Development
Phase II Development
R&D Center
Replication Effectiveness
Replication Efficacy
Researcher-Practitioner Partnership
Scale-Up Evaluations
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Fund Type
Search Results: (1-2 of 2 records)
Principal Investigator
Early, Evidence-Based Intervention For Externalizing Behavior Problems in School: From Efficacy to Effectiveness of the First Step to Success Program
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Competence
Wagner, Mary
SRI International
Scale-Up Evaluations
Ecological Approach to Family Intervention and Treatment (Eco-FIT) Integrated with PBS: An Effectiveness Trial in Middle School
Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Competence
Seeley, John
Oregon Research Institute
Scale-Up Evaluations
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