The Technology for Special Education (Technology) topic supports research on education technology tools that are designed to improve outcomes for learners with or at risk for disabilities from kindergarten through postsecondary education. Research in this topic aims to address reading; writing; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); social and behavioral; functional and adaptive; transition; or general study skills outcomes for students with or at risk for disabilities. The education technology products targeted in the NCSER-funded research may be used directly by students or by teachers, related services providers, other instructional personnel, or parents.
This topic was developed to provide technology supports for students with or at risk for disabilities, their instructors and service providers, and their families. For example, technology can support communication for students with communication-related disabilities or provide better access to the general education curriculum for students with a range of disabilities. Research projects funded by this program have developed accessible technology for students with visual impairments to improve mathematics problem solving and technology tools for improving school teams' data-based decision-making in Multi-tiered Systems of Support.
Portfolio Summary
Since 2012, NCSER has invested over $11 million in the Technology for Special Education program.
Development and Innovation Projects
Efficacy and Replication Project