Effects of a Universal Classroom Management Teacher Training Program on Elementary Children with Aggressive Behaviors
Chuang, Chi-ching; Reinke, Wendy M.; Herman, Keith C. (2020). School Psychology, v35 n2 p128-136. Retrieved from: https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1245574
examining1,817Students, gradesK-3
Department-funded evaluation
Review Details
Reviewed: August 2021
- Department-funded evaluation (findings for Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM))
- Randomized Controlled Trial
- Meets WWC standards without reservations because it is a cluster randomized controlled trial with low cluster-level attrition and individual-level non-response.
This review may not reflect the full body of research evidence for this intervention.
Evidence Tier rating based solely on this study. This intervention may achieve a higher tier when combined with the full body of evidence.
Outcome measure |
Comparison | Period | Sample |
Intervention mean |
Comparison mean |
Significant? |
Improvement index |
Evidence tier |
Broad Reading (Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement) |
Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM) vs. Business as usual |
0 Days |
Full sample;
99.33 |
100.83 |
No |
-- |
Outcome measure |
Comparison | Period | Sample |
Intervention mean |
Comparison mean |
Significant? |
Improvement index |
Evidence tier |
Broad Mathematics (Woodcock Johnson III Tests of Achievement) |
Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM) vs. Business as usual |
0 Days |
Full sample;
96.66 |
97.29 |
No |
-- |
Outcome measure |
Comparison | Period | Sample |
Intervention mean |
Comparison mean |
Significant? |
Improvement index |
Evidence tier |
Rate of observed aggression |
Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM) vs. Business as usual |
0 Days |
Full sample;
N/A |
0.01 |
Yes |
-- |
Outcome measure |
Comparison | Period | Sample |
Intervention mean |
Comparison mean |
Significant? |
Improvement index |
Evidence tier |
Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation-Checklist (TOCA-C) emotion dysregulation subscale |
Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM) vs. Business as usual |
0 Days |
Full sample;
2.15 |
2.29 |
Yes |
Outcome measure |
Comparison | Period | Sample |
Intervention mean |
Comparison mean |
Significant? |
Improvement index |
Evidence tier |
Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation-Checklist (TOCA-C) prosocial behaviors subscale |
Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management (IY TCM) vs. Business as usual |
0 Days |
Full sample;
4.84 |
4.67 |
No |
-- |
Evidence Tier rating based solely on this study. This intervention may achieve a higher tier when combined with the full body of evidence.
Sample Characteristics
Characteristics of study sample as reported by study author.
Female: 48%
Male: 52% -
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Race Black 76% Other or unknown 2% White 22%
Study Details
This study took place in 9 elementary schools in an urban school district in the Midwestern part of the United States.
Study sample
A total of 104 teachers and 1,817 students (900 students in the intervention group and 917 in the comparison group) in kindergarten to grade 3 classrooms in 9 schools participated in the study. A total of 105 teachers were recruited across three years, forming a cohort for each year: in year 1, there were 34 teachers and 577 students; in year 2, there were 34 teachers and 571 students; and in year 3, there were 37 teachers and 670 students. One teacher left the study, leaving 104 teachers in the final study sample. About 52% of the students were male, 61% were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, and 9% received special education services. Approximately 76% were African American and 22% were White.
Intervention Group
This study examined the Incredible Years Teacher Classroom Management Program (IY TCM), which trains teachers on effective techniques to improve their classroom management. The program has a special focus on teachers’ mediation of students’ aggressive and disruptive behaviors, social and emotional coaching of students, and effective discipline strategies. Teachers in the IY TCM group were offered three training sessions of 2 days each, occurring between October and February. Trainings were offered by two certified IY TCM trainers. Each session included video vignettes modeling effective classroom management and guided discussions. Video vignettes and guided discussions focused on effective teacher–student interactions to reduce discipline problems and teachers’ practices that are effective in reducing students’ challenging behaviors.
Comparison Group
Teachers in the comparison condition were placed on a wait list to receive IY TCM training after the conclusion of the study. During the study period, they were not offered training in IY TCM.
Support for implementation
IY TCM trainers observed each teacher four times during the school year. Observations focused on teachers’ use of IY TCM skills in the classroom, and observers found that use of targeted skills and proactive classroom management strategies increased after teachers received the IY TCM trainings.
An indicator of the effect of the intervention, the improvement index can be interpreted as the expected change in percentile rank for an average comparison group student if that student had received the intervention.
For more, please see the WWC Glossary entry for improvement index.
An outcome is the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are attained as a result of an activity. An outcome measures is an instrument, device, or method that provides data on the outcome.
A finding that is included in the effectiveness rating. Excluded findings may include subgroups and subscales.
The sample on which the analysis was conducted.
The group to which the intervention group is compared, which may include a different intervention, business as usual, or no services.
The timing of the post-intervention outcome measure.
The number of students included in the analysis.
The mean score of students in the intervention group.
The mean score of students in the comparison group.
The WWC considers a finding to be statistically significant if the likelihood that the finding is due to chance alone, rather than a real difference, is less than five percent.
The WWC reviews studies for WWC products, Department of Education grant competitions, and IES performance measures.
The name and version of the document used to guide the review of the study.
The version of the WWC design standards used to guide the review of the study.
The result of the WWC assessment of the study. The rating is based on the strength of evidence of the effectiveness of the intervention. Studies are given a rating of Meets WWC Design Standards without Reservations, Meets WWC Design Standards with Reservations, or >Does Not Meet WWC Design Standards.
A related publication that was reviewed alongside the main study of interest.
Study findings for this report.
Based on the direction, magnitude, and statistical significance of the findings within a domain, the WWC characterizes the findings from a study as one of the following: statistically significant positive effects, substantively important positive effects, indeterminate effects, substantively important negative effects, and statistically significant negative effects. For more, please see the WWC Handbook.
The WWC may review studies for multiple purposes, including different reports and re-reviews using updated standards. Each WWC review of this study is listed in the dropdown. Details on any review may be accessed by making a selection from the drop down list.
Tier 1 Strong indicates strong evidence of effectiveness,
Tier 2 Moderate indicates moderate evidence of effectiveness, and
Tier 3 Promising indicates promising evidence of effectiveness,
as defined in the
non-regulatory guidance for ESSA
and the regulations for ED discretionary grants (EDGAR Part 77).