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Effects of the Lessons in Character English Language Arts Character Education Program on Behavior and Academic OutcomesEffects of the Lessons in Character English Language Arts Character Education Program on Behavior and Academic Outcomes

Key outcomes and measures

Table 1 lists the study's key outcome variables—student academic achievement, social skills, behavior, and school climate—and their measures. These outcomes are assessed with standardized achievement tests, teacher reports on the Social Skills Rating System, student surveys of fourth and fifth graders, and teacher surveys

Table 1. Impact analysis outcomes

Outcomes Measure
Academic achievement
English language arts standardized tests State assessment
Mathematics standardized tests State assessment
Academic competence Teacher survey
Social skills
Social Skills Rating Scale total score Teacher survey
Altruism Student survey
Empathy Student survey
Problem behaviors
Externalization of problems Teacher survey
Aggression Student survey
Delinquent behavior Student survey
School and classroom climate
Students' feeling of belonging Teacher and student survey
School expectations Teacher and student survey

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