Blog – Teacher Preparation
By Sara Mitrano | December 14, 2021
REL Midwest looks back on five years of partnership work to improve teacher preparation, recruitment, and retention practices in Michigan, Illinois, and Indiana.
New REL Midwest study reveals leaks in Indiana’s teacher pipeline
By Sara Mitrano | March 1, 2021
A new report from REL Midwest analyzes the characteristics of and outcomes for students who pursued an education major in Indiana’s teacher preparation programs.
Actionable district strategies to build a diverse teacher workforce and foster educational equity
By Maggi Ibis | February 22, 2021
REL Midwest researchers are working with district leaders in Racine, Wisconsin, to conduct continuous improvement cycles that advance recruitment and retention strategies to create a more diverse teacher workforce.
Resource roundup: Culturally responsive practices
By Cora Goldston | October 28, 2020
National conversations related to social justice and antiracism reinforce the importance of culturally responsive education. Browse these resources from across the REL network for evidence-based recommendations to support culturally responsive practices.
By Maggi Ibis | September 28, 2020
Check out our growing collection of training and coaching resources, featuring strategies and tools that support the use of research in practice in areas such as educator effectiveness and teacher preparation.
Building a diverse teacher workforce through a robust inquiry, planning, and implementation process
By Joni Wackwitz | July 24, 2020
When teachers reflect students’ racial/ethnic and cultural background, the results can be powerful. Learn how REL Midwest is supporting Lansing School District in building a diverse teacher workforce.
Charting new teachers’ trajectories: Reporting statistics on educator preparation program completers
By Cora Goldston | March 25, 2020
REL Midwest provided coaching to the Michigan Department of Education on reporting teacher certification, employment, and retention statistics for each of the state’s educator preparation programs.
New report helps education leaders pinpoint and address teacher shortages
By Cora Goldston | September 19, 2019
REL Midwest’s new report explores teacher supply and demand trends in Michigan. Read our blog post to learn about the key findings.
A passion for partnerships rooted in evidence: Meet Dan Frederking
By Laura Checovich | September 19, 2019
Meet REL Midwest’s newest partnership facilitator, who is working with the Midwest Alliance to Improve Teacher Preparation to improve district supports for new teachers in Michigan.
Resource roundup: Strengthening and supporting the teacher workforce
By Maggi Ibis | September 19, 2019
Looking for resources on developing a high-quality, stable, and diverse teacher workforce? Browse this collection of curated resources from across the REL network.
Focusing on retention to build an effective and stable teaching workforce
By Marguerite Huber | May 20, 2019
The Midwest Alliance to Improve Teacher Preparation is concentrating on retention in the early years of teaching to build an effective and stable teaching workforce in Michigan.
Collaborating on the skills new teachers need to succeed
By Marguerite Huber | January 17, 2019
In Michigan, REL Midwest brought together K–12 educators and staff at educator preparation institutions to discuss shared expectations for new teachers.
Resource roundup: Back to school
By Joni Wackwitz | August 6, 2018
Gear up for a new school year with these curated resources from across the REL Program and the What Works Clearinghouse.
Documentary casts light on novice teacher experience
Emily Kirkwood | May 18, 2018
A 2017 documentary from REL Midwest and Detroit Public Television explores research and real stories from Michigan on the novice teacher experience.
Resource roundup: Preparing new teachers
Marguerite Huber | May 18, 2018
REL Midwest curated a list of teacher preparation resources, including research reports, blogs, webinars, and toolkits.
Exploring the potential of teacher residencies
Natalya Gnedko-Berry | April 12, 2018
The Michigan Department of Education partnered with REL Midwest to conduct two trainings that introduced local stakeholders to teacher residency models and the program characteristics associated with positive outcomes.
Challenges and opportunities in building a teacher-residency program
Anne Tapp | April 12, 2018
Read how a university created and implemented its teacher residency program to respond to teacher shortage problems, with support along the way from REL Midwest.
Marguerite Huber | March 22, 2018
Look no further than the Ask A REL reference desk for your education research questions. Check out this compilation of our most recent Ask A REL responses across a variety of topics.
Alliance member snapshot: Leah Breen of the Midwest Alliance to Improve Teacher Preparation
February 20, 2018
This video provides an overview of the Midwest Alliance to Improve Teacher Preparation and its important work in Michigan, as described by alliance member Leah Breen.
Top 7 facts about REL Midwest in 2017
Meredith Lukow | November 20, 2017
For a by-the-numbers overview of the year, check out these top facts you should know about Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest’s work in 2017.
Sarah Rand | October 18, 2017
Clinically oriented teacher preparation programs, often referred to as teacher residencies, provide teacher candidates with opportunities to develop instructional skills by working in the classroom under the direction of an experienced teacher.
Culturally responsive instruction: Best practices and supports
Cora Goldston | September 19, 2017
This is the second article in a three-part blog series. In this series, Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Midwest takes an...
Meet the Alliance Member: Leah Breen
Cora Goldston | May 24, 2017
Leah Breen is a member of MAITP and serves as the director of the Office of Professional Preparation Services at the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). Breen is no stranger to REL Midwest–she was a member of the...
Partners use interactive workshops to establish research agenda
Sarah Rand | May 24, 2017
At REL Midwest, our researchers work with practitioners—state education agency staff, teachers, principals, and school administrators—to figure what is important...
New projects investigate teacher pipeline and residency programs
Emily Loney | May 24, 2017
REL Midwest will lead two projects in 2017 that support the Michigan Department of Education (MDE)'s focus on ensuring equitable access to effective teachers...