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Student and School Characteristics Associated with Academic Outcomes for English Learner Students

Friday, July 26, 2019

Time: Concurrent Session 11, 10:15 a.m.–11:15 a.m. Eastern Time Time

2019 National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) STATS-DC Data Conference
Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill
Washington, D.C.


The Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CSMD) has recently seen an increase in the size and diversity of its English learner student population. REL Midwest collaborated with CSMD on a study to examine the relationships between student and school characteristics with English learner student academic performance and English language proficiency. This included a focus on the relationships between school climate measures and English learner student performance. The findings can help CMSD determine where to focus its efforts and what relationships merit further investigation. The findings also may be relevant for other urban districts with growing English learner student populations.

Partnership: Cleveland Collaboration for English Learner Success


  • Rachel Garret, Senior Researcher, REL Midwest
  • Joes Gonzales, Executive Director of Multilingual Multicultural Education and World Languages, CMSD