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Exploring the Potential of Clinically Oriented Teacher Preparation Programs for Michigan: Session 2

Monday, October 23, 2017

Time: 9:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Hyatt Place Lansing
Lansing, Michigan


The Michigan Department of Education and REL Midwest conducted a two-part training to explore the potential of clinically oriented teacher preparation programs, or teacher residencies, in Michigan. During in-person sessions, higher education and K-12 representatives from across Michigan came together to learn about teacher residencies and to identify opportunities for potential partnerships between the higher education and K-12 sectors. REL Midwest generated a training handout that describes characteristics of successful clinically oriented teacher preparation programs, and profiles 10 of these programs throughout the United States, including 2 in Michigan.

Partnership: Midwest Alliance to Improve Teacher Preparation

Resources: Training handout