archived information
Mon Dec 13 2021 by
Heidi Larson, REL Northeast & Islands Cross-REL/TA Outreach Coordinator
Read about Rhode Island's efforts to improve college and career readiness in youth through accelerated college credit programs, which students participate, and how they benefit.
Fri Oct 22 2021 by
Ellen Cushing, Principal Technical Assistance Consultant
Learn how state and local leaders are investing in work-based learning to increase student access and participation throughout the Northeast region.
Wed Jun 30 2021 by
Xinxin Zhang , Research Assistant II
and Dr. Katherine Shields, Research Scientist
Read about Rhode Island's efforts to improve college and career readiness in youth through accelerated college credit programs, which students participate, and how they benefit.
Mon Jun 21 2021 by
Dr. Meg Caven, Senior Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
Why is teacher turnover so high in some early childcare centers and so low in others? Learn about a study that examined factors associated with turnover in the early childhood educator workforce.
Fri May 07 2021 by
Georgia Bock, Research Associate
Read about a new study that investigated the relationship between participation in Connecticut’s teacher induction program and beginning teacher retention.
Fri Jan 01 2021 by
Dr. Meg Caven, Senior Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
and Nicole Breslow, Project Director
REL Northeast & Islands and the Region 2 Comprehensive Center are collaborating to provide coordinated support to states and districts in our region. Learn about the early benefits they are seeing.
Tue Dec 22 2020 by
Diana Wogan, REL Researcher
Read about our new toolkit to help schools and districts engage in continuous improvement processes.
Thu Oct 01 2020 by
Diana Wogan, REL Researcher
Read about a new guide that helps practitioners identify evidence-based interventions to implement in their districts.
Sat Aug 01 2020 by
Dr. Pam Buffington, Rural Education Lead, REL Northeast & Islands
Learn how rural communities throughout the REL Northeast & Islands region and beyond are coping with connectivity and access issues that disadvantage rural students.
Mon Jun 01 2020 by
Dr. Clare Waterman, Research Scientist, REL Northeast & Islands
and Audrey Gallo, Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
Learn how states in the Northeast & Islands region are engaging families and their children from birth to age 5, supporting their ECE workforce, and making plans to reopen ECE centers in the fall.
Sun Mar 01 2020 by
Kellie Kim, Researcher, REL Northeast & Islands
Professional development for educators is a key means of improving classroom instruction and students’ learning. Find out how REL Northeast & Islands conducted a review of research on professional development topics, culminating in an infographic on instructional coaching.
Mon Jul 01 2019 by
Diana Wogan, REL Researcher
Learn how one district leader, tasked with exploring the benefits and drawbacks of later school start times, used the REL Northeast & Islands Ask A REL service to inform her district’s decision.
Sat Jun 01 2019 by
Dr. Candice Bocala, Senior Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
Two REL Northeast & Islands projects are building the capacity of district leaders to evaluate their own teacher professional development (PD) efforts, whether they decide to hire an external evaluator or conduct PD evaluations internally.
Wed May 01 2019 by
Joshua Cox, Senior Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
Learn about the important role family and community partnerships play in successful school-based social and emotional learning programs.
Mon Oct 01 2018 by
Jill Marcus, Research Assistant II, REL Northeast & Islands
Despite the growth in the number of education researcher-practitioner collaborations, gaps in knowledge remain about how to translate research into action effectively.
Sat Sep 01 2018 by
Dr. Candice Bocala, Senior Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
Teacher turnover is a problem across the United States, with about 17 percent of teachers leaving within the first five years in the profession. This turnover rate costs states and districts money and time, and negatively affects student outcomes.
Wed Aug 01 2018 by
Pradipti Bhatta, Project Coordinator, REL Northeast & Islands
Racial diversity has been increasing for decades in U.S. public schools, and students of color now account for 52 percent of total enrollment.
Sun Jul 01 2018 by
Dr. Pam Buffington, Rural Education Lead, REL Northeast & Islands
Like many government-funded entities, public school districts are increasingly asked to “do more with less.”
Tue May 01 2018 by
Dan Mello, Researcher, REL Northeast & Islands
At REL Northeast & Islands, we are charged by the Institute of Education Sciences to work with educators, school leaders, policymakers, and others to use data and evidence to improve student outcomes. In doing this, we are encouraged—in fact, required—to work in close partnership with regional stakeholders to ensure the research we conduct and the training and technical support we offer are of use and relevant to practitioners in our communities.
Thu Mar 01 2018 by
Dr. Candice Bocala, Senior Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
REL Northeast & Islands is coordinating 10 research partnerships and alliances, each focused on one of four high-priority areas: (1) early childhood education and school readiness; (2) college and career readiness; (3) professional development and teacher preparation for effective instruction; and (4) educational equity for access and attainment.