archived information
Mon Dec 13 2021 by
Heidi Larson, REL Northeast & Islands Cross-REL/TA Outreach Coordinator
Read about Rhode Island's efforts to improve college and career readiness in youth through accelerated college credit programs, which students participate, and how they benefit.
Thu Jul 29 2021 by
Dr. Carrie Parker, Principal Research Scientist, REL Northeast & Islands
Learn how REL Northeast & Islands has teamed up with the Virgin Islands Department of Education to ensure that all teachers use high-quality instructional practices with English learners.
Wed Jun 30 2021 by
Xinxin Zhang , Research Assistant II
and Dr. Katherine Shields, Research Scientist
Read about Rhode Island's efforts to improve college and career readiness in youth through accelerated college credit programs, which students participate, and how they benefit.
Mon Jun 21 2021 by
Dr. Meg Caven, Senior Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
Why is teacher turnover so high in some early childcare centers and so low in others? Learn about a study that examined factors associated with turnover in the early childhood educator workforce.
Mon Jun 01 2020 by
Dr. Clare Waterman, Research Scientist, REL Northeast & Islands
and Audrey Gallo, Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
Learn how states in the Northeast & Islands region are engaging families and their children from birth to age 5, supporting their ECE workforce, and making plans to reopen ECE centers in the fall.
Fri May 01 2020 by
Sheila Rodriguez, Research Associate, REL Northeast & Islands
The number of English learners in the Virgin Islands has almost doubled since 2011. Learn how REL Northeast & Islands has partnered with the Virgin Islands Department of Education to improve academic achievement and ensure equitable access to high-quality instruction for English Learners.
Thu Aug 01 2019 by
Heidi Larson, REL Northeast & Islands Cross-REL/TA Outreach Coordinator
and Dr. Carrie Parker, Principal Research Scientist, REL Northeast & Islands
Bilingualism carries a number of advantages to children—including social, linguistic, cognitive, and cultural benefits. Learn about strategies to help young dual language learners succeed.
Tue May 01 2018 by
Dan Mello, Researcher, REL Northeast & Islands
At REL Northeast & Islands, we are charged by the Institute of Education Sciences to work with educators, school leaders, policymakers, and others to use data and evidence to improve student outcomes. In doing this, we are encouraged—in fact, required—to work in close partnership with regional stakeholders to ensure the research we conduct and the training and technical support we offer are of use and relevant to practitioners in our communities.
Sun Apr 01 2018 by
Dr. Clare Waterman, Research Scientist, REL Northeast & Islands
Decades of research have shown that participation in high-quality prekindergarten (preK) is associated with better outcomes for young children. Supported by the evidence base, overall state funding for preK programs increased by 47 percent nationwide over the last five years.