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REL Northwest

Putting Research into Action
The Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Northwest partners with stakeholders in Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington on using data and evidence to improve educational equity and student success.


The Reach and Impact of the Oregon Promise Financial Aid Program

This study found that Oregon Promise, the state grant that helps cover college tuition for eligible students, had a positive impact on recipients' college persistence and completion in the program's first two years.


Professional Development Incentives for Oregon's Early Childhood Educators

REL Northwest tested whether sending emails and offering financial incentives to early childhood educators led to increased education and training levels—an outcome linked to improved quality of care for children.


Effects of Early Indicator and Intervention Systems in Oregon

To help Oregon understand the impact of early indicator and intervention systems on student outcomes, REL Northwest examined first-year effects on chronic absenteeism, academic performance, and more.


State-Funded Preschool in the Last Frontier

A new REL Northwest report on Alaska's Pre-Elementary Grants found that participation was positively related to kindergarten readiness, English language proficiency, attendance, and math assessment scores.



teachers in a classroom

Lessons from COVID-19: Evidence-Based Resources for Professional Development Trainers

REL Northwest has created customizable modules that can support middle and high school teachers to leverage remote learning resources and build students' social and emotional skills in a hybrid or in-person learning environment.

REL Northwest News