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The College Promise in California: A collection of program profiles

Map of California College Promise Programs The need for a college-educated workforce in the United States has never been greater. Yet, while access to higher education is ever more important, the cost of higher education has increased dramatically over the last few decades, becoming less accessible to students from low- and middle-income families. College Promise programs help address the need for college affordability by offering financial support for students who live in the program's geographic area.

California has emerged as a leader in the development and implementation of College Promise programs. The state has 23 programs, 16 of which were announced in 2016.

REL West produced this scan of California College Promise programs to better understand the scope of efforts in the state and to offer easily accessible information to those who are developing, implementing, improving, and evaluating College Promise programs in their community.

See details and a summary of the recent related event

Download the program from a recent related event featuring this booklet


College Access (Postsecondary Pathways)

Publication Type

Publication Date
August 1, 2016