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Evaluation of the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program: Second Year Report on Participation
NCEE 2006-4003
April 2006

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Table 2-1.  Features of DC private schools by OSP participation status, years 1 and 2

Item Participated
year 1
New participants
year 2
Total participants
year 2
year 2
Percent with average tuitiona above $7,500 31.0b 88.9** 38.8 73.7**
Average size (student enrollment) 204.0 418.4** 236.0 137.6*
Percent serving high schoolc 17.2 50.0* 22.1 32.4
Average percent minority 81.2 35.3** 76.2 56.6*
Average student/teacher Ratio 10.9 8.5 10.6 7.8*
Total N 58 10 68 36
a For schools that charge a range of tuitions, the midpoint of the range was selected. Tuition rates were unavailable for 8 of the participating private schools and 26 of the nonparticipating private schools.
b Three schools charged no tuition either because of foundation support or because the school serves groups such as DC-placed special education students funded by the government.
c Schools were classified as serving high schools if they enrolled students in any grade 9–12.
* The difference between groups is statistically significant at the 95 percent confidence level.
** The difference between groups is statistically significant at the 99 percent confidence level.
SOURCES: Data on participating private schools drawn from "School Directory, D.C. K–12 Scholarship Program, 2004–05 School Year," and "School Directory 2005–06, D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program," Washington Scholarship Fund, June 2004 and April 2005, respectively. Data on both participating and nonparticipating private schools were also obtained from school websites.