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The Evaluation of Enhanced Academic Instruction in After-School Programs

NCEE 2008-4021
June 2008

Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interests1

The research team for this evaluation consists of a prime contractor, MDRC, Inc., of New York City, NY, and three subcontractors, Public/Private Ventures (P/PV) of Philadelphia, PA, Survey Research Management (SRM) Corporation of Boulder, CO, and Bloom Associates, Inc. of New York. None of these organizations or their key staff has financial interests that could be affected by findings from the evaluation of the two enhanced after-school interventions considered in this report. No one on the Expert Advisory Panel, convened by the research team to provide advice and guidance, has financial interests that could be affected by findings from the evaluation.

1 Contractors carrying out research and evaluation projects for IES frequently need to obtain expert advice and technical assistance from individuals and entities whose other professional work may not be entirely independent of or separable from the particular tasks they are carrying out for the IES contractor. Contractors endeavor not to put such individuals or entities in positions in which they could bias the analysis and reporting of results, and their potential conflicts of interest are disclosed.