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Reading First Impact Study Final Report

NCEE 2009-4034
October 2008

Exhibit ES.2.  Description of Domains, Outcome Measures, and Data Sources Utilized in the Reading First Impact Study
Domain Outcome Measure and Description Source
Student reading performance Mean scaled scores for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students, represented as a continuous measure of student reading comprehension. Because scaled scores are continuous across grade levels, values for all three grade levels can be shown on a single set of axes. Stanford Achievement Test, 10th Edition (SAT 10)
Percentage of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade students at or above grade level, based upon established test norms that correspond to grade level performance, by grade and month. The on or above grade level performance percentages were based on the start of the school year, date of the test and the scaled score, as well as the related grade equivalent. Stanford Achievement Test, 10th Edition (SAT 10)
Mean standard scores for 1st grade students, represented as a continuous measure of first grade students' decoding skill. Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency
Classroom reading instruction Minutes of instruction in phonemic awareness, or how much instructional time 1st and 2nd grade teachers spent on phonemic awareness. RFIS Instructional Practice in Reading Inventory
Minutes of instruction in phonics, or how much instructional time 1st and 2nd grade teachers spent on phonics. RFIS IPRI
Minutes of instruction in fluency building, or how much instructional time 1st and 2nd grade teachers spent on fluency building. RFIS IPRI
Minutes of instruction in vocabulary development, or how much instructional time 1st and 2nd grade teachers spent on vocabulary development. RFIS IPRI
Minutes of instruction in comprehension, or how much instructional time 1st and 2nd grade teachers spent on comprehension of connected text. RFIS IPRI
Minutes of instruction in all five dimensions combined, or how much instructional time 1st and 2nd grade teachers spent on all five dimensions combined. RFIS IPRI
Proportion of each observation with highly explicit instruction, or the proportion of time spent within the five dimensions when teachers used highly explicit instruction (e.g., instruction included teacher modeling, clear explanations, and the use of examples). RFIS IPRI
Proportion of each observation with high quality student practice, or the proportion of time spent within the five dimensions when teachers provided students with high quality student practice opportunities (e.g., teachers asked students to practice such word learning strategies as context, word structure, and meanings). RFIS IPRI
Student engagement with print Percentage of 1st and 2nd grade students engaged with print, represented as the per-classroom average of the percentage of students engaged with print across three sweeps in each classroom during observed reading instruction. RFIS Student Time-on-Task and Engagement with Print (STEP)
Professional development in scientifically based reading instruction Amount of PD in reading received by teachers, or teachers' self reported number of hours of professional development in reading during 2006-07. RFIS Teacher Survey
Teacher receipt of PD in the five essential components of reading instruction, or the number of essential components teachers reported were covered in professional development they received during 2006-07. RFIS Teacher Survey
Teacher receipt of coaching, or whether or not a teacher reported receiving coaching or mentoring from a reading coach in reading programs, materials, or strategies in 2006-07. RFIS Teacher Survey
Professional development in scientifically based reading instruction Amount of time dedicated to serving as K-3 reading coach, or reading coaches' self-reported percentage of time spent as the K-3 reading coach for their school in 2006-07. RFIS Reading Coach Survey
Amount of reading instruction Minutes of reading instruction per day, or teachers' reported average amount of time devoted to reading instruction per day over the prior week. RFIS Teacher Survey
Supports for struggling readers Availability of differentiated instructional materials for struggling readers, or whether or not schools reported that specialized instructional materials beyond the core reading program were available for struggling readers. RFIS Reading Coach and Principal Surveys
Provision of extra classroom practice for struggling readers, or the number of dimensions in which teachers reported providing extra practice opportunities for struggling students in the past month. RFIS Teacher Survey
Use of assessments Use of assessments to inform classroom practice, or the number of instructional purposes for which teachers reported using assessment results. RFIS Teacher Survey