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Technical Methods Report: Estimation and Identification of the Complier Average Causal Effect Parameter in Education RCTs

NCEE 2009-4040
April 2009

Appendix Table B.1.  Summary of Data Sources

Study (Authors; Sponsor)a Description of Program or Intervention and Study Design Original Study Population and Number of Treatment and Control Observations Used in Current Analysesb Level of Clustering (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient)c Outcome Measures (Corresponding Estimate of Nominal ITT Impact from Published Study Report) Baseline Covariates
Evaluation of the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program (James- Burdumy et al. 2005; IES) Study examined the effects of participation in after-school programs on academic and behavioral outcomes of elementary school students in 12 school districts and 26 centers. Students interested in attending afterschool programs were randomly assigned to the treatment or control groups within each afterschool program center. Students in kindergarten to 6th grade in the 2000- 2001 school year within 12 unspecified school districts
857; 796
None Stanford-9 reading score in second year of study (0.3); math course grade in second year (-0.6) Baseline test scores in reading and math; grade level; whether student is overage for grade; race/ethnicity; number of absences, tardies, and suspensions in year prior to study; whether student has been retained in any prior year; site indicators
Teach for America Evaluation (Decker et al. 2004; SRF; HF, CC) Study examined the impact of teachers from Teach for America, a highly selective alternative certification program, on the academic achievement of elementary school students. Students were randomly assigned to classrooms taught by Teach for America teachers or traditional teachers in the same grade and school. 1st to 5th graders in the 2001-2002 school year; 17 schools in Baltimore, Chicago, Los Angeles, Mississippi Delta, and New Orleans
742; 911
Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) reading score (0.56); ITBS math score (2.43) Baseline test scores in reading and math; grade level; school indicators
Evaluation of Reading and Mathematics Education Technologies (Dynarski et al. 2007; IES) Study examined the effects of 16 software products on students' academic achievement in 1st grade reading, 4th grade reading, 6th grade math, and algebra in 33 school districts. Within each participating school, teachers were randomly assigned to use a study product or not. For the purposes of our report, outcomes in 1st and 4th grades are used. Students in 1st grade, 4th grade, 6th grade, and algebra classes in the 2004-05 school year in 33 districts
1,160; 777
1st grade Stanford-9 reading score (0.73); 4th grade Stanford- 10 reading score (0.41) Baseline test scores; student's age and gender; teacher's gender, experience, and highest degree; school's racial/ethnic composition; percent of school's students eligible for special education and subsidized lunch
New York City School Voucher Experiment (Mayer et al. 2002; SCSF) Study examined the effects of threeyear private school scholarship offers on the academic outcomes of children from lowincome families. Eligible families who applied for scholarships for their children were randomly selected for scholarships in a series of lotteries. Low-income children enrolled in kindergarten to fourth grade in 1997 in New York City public schools
672; 471
Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) reading score in third year of study (0.27); ITBS math score in third year (1.59) Baseline test scores in reading and math; randomization strata indicators
Power4Kids Study (Torgesen et al. 2006; IES) Study examined the impact of four widely used remedial reading instructional programs on students' reading skills. 50 schools from 27 districts were randomly assigned to one of the interventions, and within each school eligible children who were identified as struggling readers were randomly assigned to receive the intervention or not. For the purposes of our report, the treatment group consists of students assigned to receive any of the four interventions, and third graders' outcomes are used. 3rd and 5th grade students in the 2003-04 school year within 27 school districts near Pittsburgh, PA who are identified as struggling readers
211; 127
None Woodcock Reading Mastery Test- Revised Word Attack subtest score (5.0); Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE) Passage Comprehension subtest score (4.6) School indicators; baseline test scores
Evaluation of Comprehensive Teacher Induction Programs (Glazerman et al. 2008; IES) Study examined the effects of comprehensive teacher induction programs on teacher retention, teachers' classroom practices, and student outcomes. The comprehensive programs provide beginning teachers with an orientation, mentoring sessions, and professional development. Within 17 participating districts, elementary schools were randomly assigned to participate in comprehensive induction programs or to use their district's existing induction program. Beginning teachers in elementary schools within 17 low-income school districts across 13 states in the 2005- 06 school year
457; 425
Binary variable indicating that the teacher stayed in the same district from the first year of the study to the start of the second year (0.002); teacher's score, as assigned by trained observer using the Vermont Classroom Observation Tool, for implementation of literacy lessons (0.0) Grade level taught; teacher's age, gender, race/ethnicity, marital status, household structure, teaching experience, non-teaching experience, certification status, preparation type, educational attainment, college quality, residential location, and homeownership status; school's racial/ethnic and socioeconomic composition; district indicators
Evaluation of Early Head Start (Love et al. 2002; ACF) Study examined the impacts of Early Head Start, which provides center-based or home-based services to families with children aged 0 to 3, on child development and parenting outcomes. Within each of 17 participating programs, eligible applicants were randomly assigned to receive Early Head Start services or not. Low-income families with infants and toddlers aged 0 to 3 or pregnant women who applied to a study site in 1996
879; 780
None Bayley Mental Development Index (MDI) score (1.456); Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment (HOME) total score (0.455)d Mother's age, race/ethnicity, English ability, education, employment status, living arrangements, number of children, household income, welfare receipt, resource adequacy, mobility, and random assignment date; child's age, birth weight status, premature birth status, gender, and previous Head Start enrollment; site indicators
National Job Corps Study (Schochet et al. 2001; DOL) Study examined the impacts of Job Corps, a large federal program providing educational and vocational training services to disadvantaged youth aged 16-24 in a residential setting, on employment and related outcomes. Among youths applying to Job Corps in a thirteenmonth period, a subset of applicants was randomly offered enrollment in Job Corps. Disadvantaged youth between the ages of 16 and 24 who applied to Job Corps in 1995 and were determined eligible
6,518; 4,298
None Weekly earnings in the fourth year of the study (15.9); total number of arrests during the four years of the study (-0.09) None
San Diego Food Stamp Cash-Out Experiment (Ohls et al. 1992; FNS) Study examined the effects of cashing-out food stamps on foodpurchasing and food-use patterns of Food Stamp Program (FSP) participants in San Diego County. FSP households were randomly assigned to the cash-out status or the regular coupon status. FSP recipients in 1989 in San Diego County
613; 613
None Money value of purchased food used at home by the household in the last seven days (-5.17); average availability of food energy per equivalent nutrition unit as a percentage of the recommended daily allowance (RDA) (-6.42) None
Teenage Parent Demonstration (Maynard et al. 1993; ACF) Study examined the impacts of a demonstration program in 3 cities for teenage welfare mothers. The program required that welfare mothers participate in employment, job training, or education activities in order to receive full welfare benefits and also provided child care and transportation assistance. All first-time teenage welfare mothers were randomly assigned to be subject to the enhanced set of requirements and services or not. For the purposes of our report, outcomes from Chicago are used. Teenage mothers who applied for AFDC for the first time in 1987 in Camden NJ, Newark NJ, and Chicago, IL
805; 822
None Percentage of months active in employment, job training, or education activities (6.1); average monthly earnings (24.4) Teenage parent's race/ethnicity, living arrangements, health barriers to work, English proficiency, contact with father of child, diploma status, school enrollment status, math skills, prior work experience, and date of study entry; teen's residency with own father and residency in welfare household as child; education of teen's mother; age of teen's child
a Acronyms are defined as follows: IES = Institute of Education Sciences at the U.S. Department of Education; SRF = Smith Richardson Foundation; HF= Hewlett Foundation; CC=Carnegie Corporation; SCSF = School Choice Scholarships Foundation; ACF = Administration for Children and Families at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; DOL = U.S. Department of Labor; FNS = Food and Nutrition Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
b For each study, the size of the treatment and control group pertains to the sample used for estimating impacts on the first listed outcome variable.
c For each study, the intraclass correlation coefficient pertains to the first listed outcome variable and is estimated by the authors.
d The published report for the evaluation of Early Head Start reported nominal CACE impacts. Nominal ITT impacts are calculated as the published nominal CACE impacts multiplied by 0.91, the reported fraction of individuals in the study who are compliers.