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National Evaluation of the Comprehensive Technical Assistance Centers

NCEE 2011-4031
August 2011

Exhibit ES.3.  Extent to which Center assistance expanded state capacity in priority areas, as judged by state managers who rated the area as a major or moderate technical assistance priority, by year
Area of state responsibility under NCLB
Percent reporting
capacity expanded by a
great or moderate extent
2007–08 2008–09
Statewide systems of support or school support teams
(n=56, n=50)
72% 82%
Policies and practices for English language learners
(n=43, n=40)
59 73
State assessment and accountability systems
(n=42, n=39)
57 59
Development or dissemination of research-based curriculum, instruction, or professional development programs in academic subject(s)
(n=41, n=39)
64 77
Assistance with educators' use of assessment data
(n=37, n=36)
62 61
Monitoring compliance with NCLB requirements
(n=35, n=30)
57 57
Administering supplemental educational services (SES) and choice provisions
(n=25, n=26)
44 39
Communication with parents or the public
(n=25, n=26)
48 50
NOTE: Percentages are based on the state manager respondents who rated each area a major or moderate technical assistance priority, which varied by year. State managers who chose the response, "Does not apply, or not able to judge," were included in the denominator of the percent calculation.
EXHIBIT READS: For the 2007–08 program year, among the 56 state managers (weighted) who reported that technical assistance in statewide systems of support or school support teams was a major or moderate priority for their state, 72 percent reported that technical assistance received from the Centers expanded the state's capacity in this area to a great or moderate extent.
SOURCE: Surveys of State Managers. Responses weighted so that each state was equally represented in instances where more than one manager from a state responded.