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National Assessment of Title I - Final Report

NCEE 2008-4012
June 2008

A. Key Evaluation Questions and Studies

To answer questions of program implementation, the Department has relied on surveys of states, districts, schools, teachers, and parents as well as more in-depth case studies and analyses of state performance reports and other extant data sources.

The key evaluation questions guiding the implementation studies are:

  • Whom does the Title I Part A program serve? How are the funds distributed? What does the money buy?
  • To what extent have states implemented and reported on the annual assessments in reading, mathematics, and science that are required under NCLB? Are students whom Title I is intended to benefit making progress toward meeting state academic achievement standards in reading and mathematics?
  • What are the reasons that schools do not make adequate yearly progress? How many and what types of schools are identified for improvement? What assistance is provided to schools and districts identified for improvement?
  • How many students are eligible to participate in school choice and supplemental education services, and how many actually do so?
  • How have states implemented the standards and procedures for teachers to demonstrate that they are "highly qualified teachers" and how many teachers meet these requirements? To what extent are teachers participating in professional development activities?

The report draws on data from two Department evaluations of NCLB implementation, the National Longitudinal Study of NCLB, and the Study of State Implementation of Accountability and Teacher Quality Under NCLB, both of which collected data in the 2004-05 school year. The report also includes data from other evaluation studies, state performance reports, the National Assessment of Educational Progress, and other sources.
