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Home Products Implementing SEL to Meet Local Needs: Aligning Frameworks and Assessments Across Contexts (Innovative Schools Summit Cross-REL Presentation)

Implementing SEL to Meet Local Needs: Aligning Frameworks and Assessments Across Contexts (Innovative Schools Summit Cross-REL Presentation)

Pacific | October 15, 2020


Archived Recording

Research has shown that exposure to social and emotional learning (SEL) programming can have a positive impact on student outcomes, and many schools and school systems in the United States and abroad have begun to implement SEL programs and practices. The goal of this presentation was to increase participants' understanding of key strategies for schoolwide SEL implementation and to provide examples of how schools have aligned such strategies to meet their students' needs. The session began by outlining the keys to effective schoolwide SEL implementation, then outlined key considerations for selecting an assessment of students' SECs, including aligning the assessment with school- or district-wide practices. REL NEI also described their research tool, A Review of Instruments for Measuring Social and Emotional Learning Skills Among Secondary School Students, which supports state and local education agencies to identify reliable and valid instruments that measure social and emotional learning among secondary school students.

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