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Home Resource The College Access Evidence Matrix: Interventions to Support Postsecondary Transitions

The College Access Evidence Matrix: Interventions to Support Postsecondary Transitions

Time: 11:30am - 1:00pm ET

Location: Virtual

Description: This session introduces the College Access Evidence Matrix, an informational resource designed to help college-access providers and educational leaders easily find proven interventions, aligned to the highest Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) evidence standards, that can increase the likelihood that students successfully transition to postsecondary education and training. REL Appalachia staff provides an orientation to the evidence matrix and demonstrate how it can be used for a variety of purposes, including identifying and selecting college access programs that have shown positive outcomes and verifying the evidence base for existing interventions.

Partnership or Research Alliance: Improving Postsecondary Transitions Partnership

Audience: This event is intended for college-access providers and educational leaders to learn about an informational resource to find interventions to increase the likelihood of students transitioning to postsecondary opportunities.


  • Jessica Mislevy, REL Appalachia, SRI International
  • Jill Marcus, REL Appalachia, Education Development Center
  • Neil Seftor, REL Appalachia, SRI International
  • Stephanie Suarez, REL Appalachia, SRI International

Online Availability

Resource Information

Appalachia | Resource Type: Training Material | Resource
Date: September 2021

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