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Home Events Using Multi-tiered Systems of Support to Address Students’ Mental Health: An Evidence-Based Approach

Using Multi-tiered Systems of Support to Address Students’ Mental Health: An Evidence-Based Approach

Northeast & Islands | July 28, 2022


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Webinar Q&A

Time: 2:00–3:00 p.m. ET

This webinar will provide an overview of Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), a three-tiered framework of classroom-based and schoolwide interventions that many districts and schools use to meet the academic and/or social-emotional needs of students. MTSS offers a continuum of supports of increasing intensity to promote social and emotional competencies among all students, as well as to ensure that students with social, emotional, or mental health challenges are identified and supported. The webinar will discuss the prevalence of mental health challenges among K-12 students in the U.S. and share a process for identifying and implementing evidence-based mental health programs and supports through an MTSS approach. This event will be of particular interest to state-level administrators who oversee school mental health and social emotional learning as well as district and school administrators interested in implementing mental health supports.


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