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Home Events Raising the Bar for Dyslexia Screening for Multilingual and Bidialectal Learners
Northeast & Islands | October 18, 2023
Time: 3:00–4:30 p.m. ET
Join us for a webinar to learn about evidence-based practices for screening multilingual and bidialectal learners who are at risk for dyslexia. These practices will appear in a revised chapter of the Massachusetts Dyslexia Guidelines, a resource to support districts’ development of screening procedures for identifying dyslexia and other neurological learning disabilities, published by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
Presenters will discuss current policies and data to support screening and instruction and how to gather and interpret data for multilingual and bidialectal learners. Webinar participants will hear from a multi-agency panel of experts and will have the opportunity to ask questions. They will also learn about resources and grant opportunities available to support professional learning and educational programming for multilingual and bidialectal learners.
Audience: Educators, instructional coaches, district leaders, and state education agency staff in the Northeast & Islands region and nationally. National technical assistance centers may also be interested in disseminating the knowledge and resources presented in this webinar.
Presenters and Panelists
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