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Home Events Teacher Induction Programs and Retention: Insight from a Study of Connecticut’s Teacher Education and Mentoring Program
Northeast & Islands | November 05, 2020
**Time: ** 3:00-4:00 p.m. Eastern
**Location: ** Webinar
**Description: ** This webinar will present findings from Investigating the Relationship between Adherence to Connecticut's Teacher Education and Mentoring Program and Teacher Retention and foster a conversation with partners regarding how the findings from the study have been and will continue to be informative to Connecticut. In addition, the presenters will discuss how other states and districts can use the findings from this study to inform the design of mentoring programs. They will also discuss how other states can use similar data collection and analyses to assess the fidelity of implementation of similar programs.
**Audience: ** The primary audience for this webinar is state and local education agencies, both in the Northeast & Islands Region and nationally. State and local education agencies thinking about implementing or currently implementing a teacher induction and mentoring program will be particularly interested.
**Speakers: ** -Dr. Makoto Hanita, Research Scientist, REL Northeast & Islands -Dr. Jessica Bailey, Research Scientist, REL Northeast & Islands -Nicole Breslow, Project Director, REL Northeast & Islands -Claudine Primack, CT TEAM Program Manager, Connecticut State Department of Education
Report Citation: Hanita, M., Bailey, J., Khanani, N., Bocala, C., Zweig, J., & Bock, G. (2020). Investigating the Relationship between Adherence to Connecticut's Teacher Education and Mentoring Program and Teacher Retention (REL 2020–022). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences, National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands. Retrieved from link.
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