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Home Publications Supporting Integrated English Learner Student Instruction – A Guide to Assess Professional Learning Needs
The Regional Educational Laboratory West and the Region 15 Comprehensive Center developed a guide to assess teacher professional learning needs to implement research-based recommendations for the instruction of elementary-grade English learner students. At the center of this guide are two tools—the Teacher Self-Reflection Tool and the Classroom Observation Tool—that are used to collect information about teacher practice and needs related to the recommendations from the What Works Clearinghouse Practice Guide Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary and Middle School. The guide includes a 10-step process for using the information it generates, as well as step-by-step guidance, data templates and discussion protocols, and district scenarios. It was developed with input and feedback from the Arizona Department of Education and English learner coordinators from districts across the state. It was also piloted by several districts in Arizona to ensure its clarity and usability.
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ERIC Descriptors
English Language Learners, Instructional Improvement, Literacy, Observation, Professional Development, Teacher Effectiveness, Teaching SkillsRelated WWC Resources
Teaching Academic Content and Literacy to English Learners in Elementary and Middle School
Publication Information
West | Publication Type:
Tool | Publication
Date: December 2021
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