For more than 50 years, the RELs have collaborated with school districts, state departments of education, and other education stakeholders to help them generate and use evidence and improve student outcomes. Read more
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An Approach to Using Student and Teacher Data to Understand and Predict Teacher Shortages
Addressing teacher shortages has been a persistent concern among leaders in schools, districts, state education agencies, and the federal government. This report describes an approach to identifying patterns of teacher shortages that was collaborativ
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This technical support project will help Ritenour School District develop approaches to examining the perceived working conditions of various groups of and analyze their relationships to teacher retention.
This technical support project is intended to help University City improve teacher retention by building a stronger understanding of strengths and potential gaps in their supports for new teachers.
This study will will leverage data from MO DESE’s spring 2023 first-year teacher surveys to understand the features of mentoring experienced by Missouri first-year teachers and which mentoring features are related to the retention of early-career teachers.
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