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Caring School Community (CSC)
Character Education

The Child Development Project was found to have potentially positive effects on behavior; no discernible effects on knowledge, attitudes, and values; and no discernible effects on academic achievement.

Caring School Community™ (CSC) is a modified version of a program formerly known as the Child Development Project. CSC is a multiyear school improvement program that involves all students in grades K–6. The program aims to promote core values, prosocial behavior, and a schoolwide feeling of community. The program consists of four elements originally developed for the Child Development Project: class meeting lessons, cross-age “buddies” programs, “homeside” activities, and schoolwide community. Class lessons provide teachers and students with a forum to get to know one another, discuss issues, identify and solve problems collaboratively, and make a range of decisions that affect classroom life. Cross-age buddies activities pair whole classes of older and younger students for academic and recreational activities that build caring cross-age relationships and create a schoolwide climate of trust. Homeside activities include short conversational activities that are sent home with students for them to do with parents or caregivers and then to discuss back in their classroom. The activities incorporate the families’ perspectives, cultures, and traditions, thereby promoting interpersonal understanding. Schoolwide community-building activities bring students, parents, and school staff together to create new school traditions.


studies that met standards out of
eligible studies reviewed
Effectiveness Rating Grades Evidence Tier
Academic achievement No discernible effects K-6
Behavior Potentially positive effects K-6
Knowledge, attitudes, & values No discernible effects K-6

Last Updated: April 2007

Delivery Method

whole class icon




South, West
Note: This summary only includes data from studies that reported sample information. The Intervention Report may include evidence from other studies that met standards, but did not report sample information.

Related Resources

This intervention report was prepared for the WWC by American Institutes for Research under contract ED-02-CO-0022.

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