WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Building Decision Skills

Building Decision Skills aims to raise middle and high school students’ awareness of ethics, help them gain experience developing core values, and give them strategies for dealing with ethical dilemmas. Building Decision Skills consists of 10 lessons that can fill 2 consecutive weeks of daily lessons or be drawn out over a longer period. Using readings, handouts, and overheads, the teacher covers key concepts. Students are encouraged to think about the key concepts through small-group activities, class discussions, and homework assignments. The program also includes schoolwide components such as group discussions, seminars, and assemblies, and can be combined with service learning.

Reviewed Research

April 2007
Studies meeting standards Grades
Students Improvement
Knowledge, attitudes, & values Potentially positive effects 1 study meets standards 12 282
Leming, James S. (2001) 12 282

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