WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies (PATHS)

The Promoting Alternative THinking Strategies (PATHS®) program is a curriculum that aims to promote emotional and social competencies and to reduce aggression and behavior problems in elementary school children. PATHS® is delivered through short lessons given two to three times a week over the school year. The program is based on the principle that understanding and regulating emotions are central to effective problem solving. The lessons focus on (1) self-control, (2) emotional literacy, (3) social competence, (4) positive peer relations, and (5) interpersonal problem-solving skills. There is a separate curriculum for each grade.

Reviewed Research

March 2021
Studies meeting standards Grades
Students Improvement
Academic achievement No discernible effects 1 study meets standards 5 1,582 --
Humphrey, N., Barlow, A., Wigelsworth, M., Lendrum, A., Pert, K., Joyce, C., Stephens, E., Wo, L., Squires, G., Woods, K., Calam, R., Turner, A. (2016) 5 1,582
Observed individual behavior No discernible effects 1 study meets standards 1-3 113 --
Kam, C-M.; Greenberg, M. T.; Kusche, C. A. (2004) 1-3 113 --
Student emotional status No discernible effects 1 study meets standards 1-3 133 --
Kam, C-M.; Greenberg, M. T.; Kusche, C. A. (2004) 1-3 133
Student social interaction No discernible effects 1 study meets standards 1-3 133 --
Kam, C-M.; Greenberg, M. T.; Kusche, C. A. (2004) 1-3 133

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