WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Ladders to Literacy

Ladders to Literacy is a supplemental early literacy curriculum published in Ladders to Literacy: A Kindergarten Activity Book. The program targets children at different levels and from diverse cultural backgrounds. The activities are organized into three sections with about 20 activities each: print awareness, phonological awareness skills, and oral language skills.

Reviewed Research

August 2007

As of August 2007, no studies of Ladders to Literacy were found that fell within the scope of the Beginning Reading review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Ladders to Literacy to improve outcomes in this area.

March 2013
Studies meeting standards Grades
Students Improvement
General Mathematics Achievement No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 105 --
. (2008) PK 105
Oral language Potentially negative effects 2 studies meet standards PK 139
. (2008) PK 105
Russell, J. (2005) PK 34
Phonological processing No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 105 --
. (2008) PK 105
Print knowledge No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 105 --
. (2008) PK 105

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