WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Curiosity Corner

Curiosity Corner is a comprehensive early childhood curriculum designed to help children at risk of school failure because of poverty. The program offers children experiences that develop the attitudes, skills, and knowledge necessary for later school success, with a special emphasis on children’s language and literacy skills. Curiosity Corner has two sets of 38 weekly thematic units, one set for 3-year-olds and one set for 4-year-olds. Each day, the program staff present children with learning experiences through sequential daily activities. The program provides training, support, and teaching materials for teaching staff and administrators. Parents are encouraged to participate in children’s learning through activities in and out of the classroom.

Reviewed Research

January 2009
Studies meeting standards Grades
Students Improvement
Cognition No discernible effects 1 study meets standards 165 --
Chambers, Bette; Chamberlain, Anne; Hurley, Eric A.; Slavin, Robert E. (2001) 165
General Mathematics Achievement No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 204 --
. (2008) PK 204
Oral language Potentially positive effects 2 studies meet standards PK 369
. (2008) PK 201
Chambers, Bette; Chamberlain, Anne; Hurley, Eric A.; Slavin, Robert E. (2001) 168
Phonological processing No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 204 --
. (2008) PK 204
Print knowledge No discernible effects 1 study meets standards PK 200 --
. (2008) PK 200

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