WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Odyssey® Math

Odyssey® Math is a web-based program developed by Compass Learning® for mathematics instruction in grades K–8. The online program includes a mathematics curriculum and formative assessments designed to support differentiated and data-driven instruction. Based on assessment results, the program generates an individualized sequence of mathematics topics and skills—a “learning path.” Odyssey® Math is often used as a prescriptive tool, where students can start by taking a diagnostic assessment aligned with local or state standards. Teachers can modify learning paths to match their lesson plans or to align them with district scopes and sequences.

Reviewed Research

August 2009

As of August 2009, no studies of Odyssey® Math were found that fell within the scope of the Elementary School Mathematics review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Odyssey® Math to improve outcomes in this area.

June 2009

As of June 2009, no studies of Odyssey® Math were found that fell within the scope of the Middle School Math review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Odyssey® Math to improve outcomes in this area.

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