WWC Summary of Evidence for this Intervention

Second Step

Second Step is a classroom-based social skills program for students in preschool through junior high (ages 4–14 years), with a distinct curriculum for each grade. It is designed to reduce impulsive, high-risk, and aggressive behaviors and increase children’s social competence and other protective factors. The program builds on cognitive behavioral intervention models integrated with social learning theory, empathy research, and social information-processing research. It is intended to teach children to identify and understand their own and others’ emotions, choose positive goals, and successfully manage reactions when emotionally aroused.

Reviewed Research

March 2013

As of March 2013, no studies of Second Step were found that fell within the scope of the Children Identified With Or At Risk For An Emotional Disturbance review protocol and met WWC evidence standards. Therefore, the WWC is unable to draw any research based conclusions about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of Second Step to improve outcomes in this area.

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