No studies of the reciprocal teaching instructional method that fall within the scope of the Students with Learning Disabilities review protocol meet What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) evidence standards. Because no studies meet WWC evidence standards, at this time, the WWC is unable to draw any conclusions based on research about the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of reciprocal teaching on students with learning disabilities. Additional research is needed to determine the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of this intervention.
A group of closely related outcomes.
A summary of the effectiveness of an intervention in an outcome domain, based on the quality of research, the statistical significance of findings, the magnitude of findings, and the consistency of findings across studies.
Positive: strong evidence that intervention had a positive effect on outcomes. |
Potentially Positive: evidence that intervention had a positive effect on outcomes with no overriding contrary evidence. |
Mixed: evidence that intervention’s effect on outcomes is inconsistent. |
No Discernible: no evidence that intervention had an effect on outcomes. |
Potentially Negative: evidence that intervention had a negative effect on outcomes with no overriding contrary evidence. |
Negative: strong evidence that intervention had a negative effect on outcomes. |
For more, please see the WWC Glossary entry for rating of effectiveness.
Evidence Tier
The Department of Education’s evidence tiers. For more information, please see the WWC Glossary entry for evidence tiers.
The percent of each characteristic is based on the sample size of all studies meeting standards that reported data on the characteristic.
Percentages below may not add to 100 percent.
Last Updated: November 2013
This intervention report was prepared for the WWC by Mathematica under contract ED-IES-13-C-0010.