What Works in Math?
There’s no single answer to that broad question. Instead, what works varies by grade, subject, and even delivery model.
WWC products allow educators to better understand what works in different contexts. WWC intervention reports show which tools increase mathematics achievement by grade, while WWC practice guides show effective practices for topics such as fractions. Search our publications here.
Teaching Toolkit: The WWC’s Math Focused Practice Guides
WWC practice guides provide recommendations, action steps, practical examples, and the latest evidence on teaching math.
- Teaching Strategies for Improving Algebra Knowledge in Middle and High School Students
- Teaching Math to Young Children
- Improving Mathematical Problem Solving in Grades 4 Through 8
Developing Effective Fractions Instruction
- Assisting Students Struggling with Mathematics: Response to Intervention (RtI) for Elementary and Middle Schools
- Encouraging Girls in Math and Science
Calculating the Benefits: Using Intervention Reports to Understand Program Effectiveness
Intervention reports summarize findings of the highest-quality research on programs, practices, or policies in education. Find What Works is a search tool to compare the effectiveness of interventions.
Spotlight on Young Children
Early Numeracy
A summary (3.9 MB) of the WWC recommendations on teaching math to young children provides suggestions for building on their interest in math.
Selecting Math Instructional Materials
Building a foundation for later math learning begins with selecting math instructional materials. This WWC video shows how research evidence can help you select a math program.