Database icon Studies Reviewed for {{pageTitle}} Practice Guide

Studies included in the meta-analysis. These studies meet WWC standards and provide the evidence base for the recommendations. Citations include hyperlinks to the WWC study review and the URL for the full text article in the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC).

Studies not included in the meta-analysis. The studies were reviewed as a potential source of evidence for this practice guide, and they meet WWC standards; however, the panel determined that they were not relevant to any of the recommendations in this practice guide. Citations include hyperlinks to the WWC study review and the URL for the full text article in ERIC.

Studies that did not meet WWC standards. These studies were reviewed for this practice guide but did not meet WWC standards. Therefore, these studies do not contribute to the evidence base for the recommendations. Citations include hyperlinks to the WWC study review and the URL for the full text article in the ERIC.

Additional sources cited. These sources provide other information relevant to the practice guide topic, recommendations, and implementation of the recommended practices

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