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A teacher reading to her students with a behavior chart in the background.

After the winter break, transitioning back to school—and back to good classroom behavior—can be challenging for students. The WWC offers evidence-based strategies you can use today to prevent and address behavior problems so everyone can enjoy a more productive classroom.

AAddress the Classroom Environment

Learn how to modify the classroom environment to alter or remove factors that trigger problem behaviors. Strategies include revisiting and reinforcing expectations, modifying the learning space to motivate students, and varying instructional strategies to increase academic success.

BBuild Alternatives

Learn how to teach and reinforce socially and behaviorally appropriate skills, decrease problem behaviors, and foster a positive classroom climate. To do this, the WWC recommends identifying, delivering, and reinforcing explicit instruction in appropriate behavior.

CCreate Individual Solutions

Learn about interventions that can help support students with an emotional/behavioral disorder in making good choices. The WWC has identified four interventions that are effective in addressing behavioral and social needs of students classified or at risk for classification with an emotional disturbance. Use this link to access the Find What Works feature and view information about these four interventions, or to create your own search for targeted interventions.

DDirect Student Attention

Learn how to adapt instruction to maintain or increase student engagement in academics, preventing disruptive behavior. The WWC offers strategies to engage students in reading, writing, math, and out-of-school time instruction.

EExtend Support Beyond the Classroom

Learn how to enlist adult advocates to help students at risk of dropping out address academic and social needs. A meaningful and sustained personal relationship with a trained adult can support students with these needs.

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