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Railroad crossing with points overlayed Teach reading comprehension strategies. Use structure to comprehend , learn, and remeber content. Establish context for reading comprehension.

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Teach students how to use reading comprehension strategies.
  • Explain how to activate prior knowledge and use it with other clues to construct meaning.
  • Instruct students to develop and answer questions about important ideas while reading.
  • Train students to develop a mental image of what is described.
  • Provide techniques for students to monitor if they understand what they are reading, and reread if not.
  • Teach methods to identify key words to draw inferences from the text.
  • Give students opportunities to orally summarize the main points.
Teach students to identify and use the text’s organizational structure to comprehend, learn, and remember content.
  • Explain how to identify and connect the parts of narrative texts.
  • Provide instruction on common structures of informational texts.
Establish an engaging and motivating context in which to teach reading comprehension.
  • Help students discover the purpose and benefits of reading.
  • Create opportunities for students to see themselves as successful readers.
  • Give students reading choices.
  • Give students the opportunity to learn by collaboration with their peers.

Laying the FoundationLaying the Foundation
Students who read with understanding at an early age gain access to a broader range of texts, knowledge, and educational opportunities. Recommendations and how-to videos from the WWC practice guide, Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten Through 3rd Grade, can help students lay the groundwork for success in education.

More resources for teaching beginning reading.

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