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Interventions With Evidence of Efficacy in Improving Student Outcomes in Reading or Writing

GPRA Review Year Reviewed Paper Intervention Name or Description of Instructional Approach Grant Number
2019 Tate, T. P., Collins, P., Xu, Y., Yau, J. C., Krishnan, J., Prado, Y., ... Warschauer, M. (2019). Visual-syntactic text format: Improving adolescent literacy. Scientific Studies of Reading, 23(4): 287–304. [WWC Review] Visual-syntactic formatted text R305A150429
2018 Wood, C., Fitton, L., Petscher, Y., Rodriguez, E., Sunderman, G., & Lim, T. (2018). The effect of e-Book vocabulary instruction on Spanish–English speaking children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61, 1–25. [WWC Review] BLOOM e-books R305A130460
2019 Wijekumar, K., Meyer, B. J. F., & Lei, P. (2017). Web-based text structure strategy instruction improves seventh graders' content area reading comprehension. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(6), 741–760. [WWC Review] Intelligent Tutoring System for the Text Structure Strategy (ITSS) R305A080133
2018 Wanzek, J., Vaughn, S., Kent, S. C., Swanson, E. A., Roberts, G., Haynes, . . . Solis, M. (2014). The effects of team-based learning on social studies knowledge acquisition in high school. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 7(2), 183–204. [WWC Review] Team-Based Learning (TBL) R305F100013
2018 McKeown, M. G., Crosson, A. C., Moore, D. W., & Beck, I. L. (2018). Word knowledge and comprehension effects of an academic vocabulary intervention for middle school students. American Educational Research Journal, 55(3), 572–616. [WWC Review] Robust Academic Vocabulary Encounters (RAVE) R305A100440
2018 Johnson, L., Terry, N. P., Connor, C. M. D., & Thomas-Tate, S. (2017). The effects of dialect awareness instruction on non-mainstream American English speakers [Study 1]. Reading and Writing, 30(9), 2009–2038 [WWC Review] Dialect Awareness (DAWS) R305F100027
2018 Hock, M. F., Brasseur-Hock, I. F., Hock, A. J., & Duvel, B. (2017). The effects of a comprehensive reading program on reading outcomes for middle school students with disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50(2), 195–212. [WWC Review] Fusion Reading R305G040011
2017 Kim, J.S., Hemphill, L., Troyer, M., Thomson, J.M., Jones, S.M., LaRusso, M.D. & Donovan, S. (2017). Engaging Struggling Adolescent Readers to Improve Reading Skills. Reading Research Quarterly, 52(3), 357– 382. doi:10.1002/rrq.171 [WWC Review] Strategic Adolescent Reading Intervention (STARI) R305F100026
2017 Wood, C., Fitton, L., Petscher, Y., Rodriguez, E., Sunderman, G., & Lim, T. (2017). The effect of ebook vocabulary instruction on Spanish-English speaking children. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 61(8), 1945–1969.  [WWC Review] Bridging for Language Outcomes in the Classroom R305A130460
2016 Wijekumar, K., Myer, B. J. F., & Lei, P. (2013). High-fidelity implementation of web-based intelligent tutoring system improves fourth and fifth graders content area reading comprehension. Computers & Education, 68, 366–379 [WWC Review] ITSS (Intelligent Tutoring System) R305A080133
2016 Vadasy, P. F., Sanders, E. A., & Logan Herrera, B. (2015). Efficacy of rich vocabulary instruction in fourth- and fifth-grade classrooms. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 8(3), 325–365. [WWC Review] Rich Vocabulary Instruction (RVOC) R305A100568
2016 Steele, J. L., Slater, R. O., Zamarro, G., Miller, T., Li, J., Burkhauser, S. & Bacon, M. (2016). Effects of dual-language immersion programs on student achievement: evidence from lottery data. American Educational Research Journal, 20(10), 1–25. [WWC Review] Dual Language Immersion R305E120003
2016 Fogarty, M., Clemens, N., Simmons, D., Anderson, L., Davis, J., Smith, A., Wang, H., Kwok, O., Simmons, L. E., & Oslund, E. (2016). Impact of a technology-mediated reading intervention on adolescents' reading comprehension. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 1–28. [WWC Review] Comprehension Circuit Training (CCT) R305F100013
2015 Vaughn, Sharon; Martinez, Leticia R.; Wanzek, Jeanne; Roberts, Greg; Swanson, Elizabeth; Fall, Anna-Mária (2017). Improving content knowledge and comprehension for English language learners: Findings from a randomized control trial. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(1), 22–34. [WWC Review] Promoting Adolescents' Comprehension of Text (PACT) R305F100013
2015 Connor, C. M., Dombek, J., Crowe, E. C., Spencer, M., Tighe, E. L., Coffinger, S., Zargar, E., Wood, T., & Petscher, Y. (2017). Acquiring science and social studies knowledge in kindergarten through fourth grade: Conceptualization, design, implementation, and efficacy testing of content-area literacy instruction (CALI). Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(3), 301–320. [WWC Review] Content-Area Literacy Instruction (CALI) R305F100027; R305H040013; R305B070074
2015 Borman, G. D., Grigg, J., & Hanselman, P. (2015). An effort to close achievement gaps at scale through self-affirmation. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 1–22. Self-Affirmation through Writing R305A110136; R305C050055
2014 Lesaux, N. K., Kieffer, M. J., Kelley, J. G., & Harris, J. R. (2014). Effects of Academic Vocabulary Instruction for Linguistically Diverse Adolescents: Evidence From a Randomized Field Trial. American Educational Research Journal, 51(6), 1159–1194. [WWC Review] Secondary Writing R305A080631
2014 Vadasy, P. F., Sanders, E. A., & Herrera, B. L. (2014). Efficacy of rich vocabulary instruction in fourth and fifth grade classrooms. Reviewed as an unpublished draft. Published in 2015 in: Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 8(3): 325–365 [WWC Review] Rich Vocabulary (RVOC) R305A100568
2013 Vernon-Feagans, L., Kainz, K., Hedrick, A., Ginsberg, M., & Amendum, S. (2013). Live webcam coaching to help early elementary classroom teachers provide effective literacy instruction for struggling readers: The Targeted Reading Intervention. Journal of Educational Psychology, 105(4), 1175–1187. [WWC Review] Targeted Reading Intervention (TRI) R305A040056
2013 O'Connor, E.E., Cappella, E., McCormick, M.P., & McClowry, S. (2014). Enhancing the academic development of shy children: A test of the efficacy of INSIGHTS. School Psychology Review, 43(3), 239–259 [WWC Review] INSIGHTS R305A080512
2013 Zvoch, K. & Stevens, J.J. (2013) Summer school effects in a randomized field trial. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28(1), 24–32. [WWC Review] Summer School Literacy Intervention R305A090369
2012 Wijekumar , K. K., Meyer, B.J.F., Lei, P. (2012). Large-scale randomized controlled trial with 4th graders using intelligent tutoring of the structure strategy to improve nonfiction reading comprehension. Education Technology Research and Development, 60(6), 987–1013. [WWC Review] Intelligent Tutoring for Structure Strategy (ITSS) R305A080133
2012 Vaughn, S., Swanson, E. A., Roberts, G., Wanzek, J., Stillman-Spisak, S. J., Solis, M., & Simmons, Deborah (2013) Improving reading comprehension and social studies knowledge in middle school. Reading Research Quarterly, 48(1): [WWC Review] Promoting Acceleration of Comprehension and Content Through Text (PACT) R305F100013
2012 Hooper, S.R., Costa, L.C., McBee, M., Anderson, K.L., Yerby, D. C., Childress, A., and Knuth, S.B. (2013). A written language intervention for at-risk second grade students: A randomized controlled trial of the process assessment of the learner lesson plans in a tier 2 response-to-intervention (RTI) model. Annals of Dyslexia, 63(1), 44–64. [WWC Review] Process Assessment of the Learner (PAL) R305H060042
2012 Fehr, C. N., Davison, M. L., Graves, M. F., Sales, G. C., Seipel, B., & Sekhran-Sharma, S. (2012). The effects of individualized, online vocabulary instruction on picture vocabulary scores: An efficacy study. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 25(1), 87–104. Prototype of The First 4000 Words R305C050059
2011 Gonzalez, J.G., Pollard-Durodola, S., Simmons, D.C., Taylor, A.B., Davis, M.J. et al. (2011). Developing low-income preschoolers' social studies and science vocabulary knowledge through content-focused shared book reading. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 4, 25–52. [WWC Review] Shared Book Reading R305G050121
2010 O'Connor, R. E., Swanson, H. S., & Geraghty, C. (2010). Improvement in reading rate under independent and difficult text levels: Influences on word and comprehension skills.  Journal of Educational Psychology, 102 (1), 1–19. [WCC Review] reading practice under different conditions R305G050122
2010 Fien, H., Santoro, L., Baker, S., Chard, D., & Park, H. (2011). Teacher read alouds enhanced with small group instruction: Closing the vocabulary and comprehension gap in first grade. School Psychology Review, 40(2), 307–318. Read Aloud Curriculum R305G050216
2010 Denton, C. A., Kethley, C., Nimon, K., Kurz, T. B., Mathes, P.G., Shih, M., & Swanson, E.A. (2010). Effectiveness of a supplemental early reading intervention scaled up in multiple schools. Exceptional Children, 76(4), 394–416. [WWC Review] Responsive Reading Instruction (RRI) R305W030257
2009 Pasnak, R., Kidd, J. K., Gadzichowski, M. K., Gallington, D. A., Saracina, R. P. & Addison, K. T. (2009). Promoting early abstraction to promote early literacy and numeracy. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 30(3), 239–249. learning set approach R305B070542; R305H030031
2008 Williams, J., Nubla-Kung, A., Pollini, S., Stafford, B., Garcia, A., and Snyder, A. (2007). Teaching cause–effect text structure through social studies content to at-risk second graders. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 40(2), 111–120. [WWC Review] cause-effect text structure R305G030283; R324G060039
2008 Vadasy, P. F., and Sanders, E. A. (2008). Benefits of repeated reading intervention for low-achieving fourth- and fifth-grade students. Remedial and Special Education, 29(4), 235–249. Quick Reads R305G040103
2008 Vadasy, P. F., and Sanders, E. A. (2008). Repeated reading intervention: Outcomes and interactions with readers skills and classroom instruction. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100(2), 272–290. [WWC Review] Quick Reads R305G040103
2008 McNamara, D. S., O'Reilly, T. P., Best, R. M., and Ozuru, Y. (2006). Improving adolescent students' reading comprehension with iSTART. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 34(2), 147–171. Interactive Strategy Trainer for Active Reading and Thinking (iSTART) R305G040046
2008 Glenberg, A. M., Brown, M., and Levin, J. R. (2007). Enhancing comprehension in small reading groups using a manipulation strategy. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 32, 389–399 Manipulation Strategy R305H030266
2008 Coyne, M. D., McCoach, D. B., and Kapp, S. (2007). Vocabulary intervention for kindergarten students: Comparing extended instruction to embedded instruction and incidental exposure. Learning Disability Quarterly, 30(2), 74–88. (Study 2) Extended Vocabulary Instruction R305G030250
2008 Coyne, M. D., McCoach, D. B., and Kapp, S. (2007). Vocabulary intervention for kindergarten students: Comparing extended instruction to embedded instruction and incidental exposure. Learning Disability Quarterly, 30(2), 74–88. (Study 1) Extended Vocabulary Instruction R305G030250
2007 Fountain, Cosgrove & Wood. ELLM evaluation. Evaluation described in Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Consortium (2008). Effects of Preschool Curriculum Programs on School Readiness (NCER 2008–2009). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Research. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. Early Literacy and Learning Model (ELLM) R305J020040
2007 Chambers & Slavin, R. Curiosity Corner evaluation. Evaluation described in Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Consortium (2008). Effects of Preschool Curriculum Programs on School Readiness (NCER 2008–2009). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Research. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office. [WWC Review] Curiosity Corner R305J030138
2007 Lonigan, C. & Schatschneider, C. Open Court evaluation. Evaluation described in Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Consortium (2008). Effects of Preschool Curriculum Programs on School Readiness (NCER 2008–2009). U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Research. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office [WWC Review] Open Court R305J030093
2007 Wolfe, C. R., Britt, M. A., & Butler, J. A. (2009) Argumentation Schema and the Myside Bias in Written Argumentation. Written Communication, 26(2), 183–209. R305H050133; R305H020039
2007 O'Connor, R.E., White, A., & Swanson, H.L. (2007). Repeated reading versus continuous reading: Influences on reading fluency and comprehension. Exceptional Children, 74(1), 31–46. [WWC Review] Repeated Reading/Continuous Reading R305G050122
2007 Metcalfe, J., Kornell, N., & Son, Lisa K. (2007). A cognitive-science based program to enhance study efficacy in a high and low-risk setting. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 19(4), 743–768. Dragon Master R305H030175
