National Center for Education Research (NCER) recently made 97 awards across multiple FY 2020 competitions. Listed below are the awards from each of these competitions: Education Research Grants Program, Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences, Education Research and Development Center Program, Statistical and Research Methodology in Education, Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication, and Unsolicited Grants Program.
Education Research Grants Program (CFDA 84.305A)
NCER made 60 new awards under the Education Research Grants Program (CFDA 84.305A) to applications considered under the August 2019 deadline. The total spending for all awards under CFDA 84.305A is approximately $100 million across 10 topic areas.
Click on the title of each project to get more information about each award.
Career and Technical Education
Choice and Information: The Impact of Technology-Based Career Advising Tools on High School Students' CTE Choices and Academic Performance
MDRC, Rachel Rosen
Exploring the Role of Career and Technical Education in Putting Michigan High School Students on a Path to Economic Success
University of Michigan, Brian A. Jacob
Cognition and Student Learning
Recruiting Spatial-Numerical Representations to Enhance the Use of Advanced Math Strategies in Low-Income Students
Boston University, Marina Vasilyeva
An Exploration of Brain Breaks to Enhance Attention Regulation and Instruction Uptake in Early Elementary
Kent State University, Karrie Inaba
"Boys Have It; Girls Have to Work for It": The Development and Consequences of Gender Stereotypes About Natural Talent vs. Effort in Mathematics
New York University, Andrei Cimpian
Exploring Collaborative Embodiment for Learning (EXCEL): Understanding Geometry Through Multiple Modalities
Southern Methodist University, Candace Walkington
Measuring Original Thinking in Elementary Students: A Text-Mining Approach
State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, Selcuk Acar
Early Learning Programs and Policies
Development of a Responsive Computerized-Adaptive Assessment System for Pre-K Mathematics
Lehigh University, Robin Hojnoski
Reading and Playing With Math: Promoting Preschoolers' Math Language Through Picture Books and Play Activities
Purdue University, David Purpura
Building Preschool Children's Complex Language Using Informational Texts
University of Cincinnati, Allison Breit-Smith
Individual Growth and Development Indicators: Automated Performance Evaluation of Early Language and Literacy in Español: IGDI-APEL Español
University of Minnesota, Alisha Wackerle-Hollman
Moving Beyond the Average: Building a Comprehensive Model of Classroom Quality That Incorporates Children's Individual Experiences
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Sandra Soliday Hong
Effects of Home and Classroom Practices on Language, Cognitive, and Social Development of Young Spanish-Speaking English Learners
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Susan H. Landry
Evaluating the Efficacy of the LOOK Teacher Consultation Model to Improve Self-Regulation, Behavioral, and Social Outcomes Among Children With Challenging Behaviors
University of Virginia, Amanda Williford
Effective Instruction
Initial Efficacy Study of Data Wise
SRI International, Nicole Arshan
Collective Capacity (Project C2): Professional Learning to Improve the Quality of Language and Literacy Instruction for English Learners
University of Texas, Austin, Greg Roberts
English Learners
Examining Heterogeneity in English Learner Program Effects With Meta-Analysis
American Institutes for Research (AIR), Ryan Williams
Exploring the Effects of Heterogeneous Grouping on English Learners' Language, Reading Comprehension, and Social Network Development
New York University, Michael J. Kieffer
Supporting Reading Comprehension for English Learners Through Inquiry-Based, Language Focused Instruction
North Carolina State University, Dennis Davis
Validation of a Spanish-Language Social Reasoning Assessment for Spanish-Speaking English Language Learners
Rush University Medical Center, Nicole Russo-Ponsaran
Measuring the English Language Vocabulary Acquisition of Latinx Bilingual Students (Project MELVA-S)
Southern Methodist University, Doris Luft Baker
Evaluating the Efficacy of the CLAVES Intervention: An Intervention Focused on Comprehension, Academic Language, and Vocabulary for English Learner Students
Stanford University, Rebecca Silverman
Effect of Bilingual vs Monolingual Methods of Explicit English Vocabulary Instruction on 4th Grade Spanish-Speaking English Learners (EL)
University of South Florida, Maria Carlo
Exploring Trends and Heterogeneity in the Timing and Effects of English Learner Reclassification: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
WestEd, Molly Faulkner-Bond
Improving Education Systems
The Impact of CSI Designation in Multiple Measure ESSA Accountability Systems
American Institutes for Research (AIR), Kerstin C. Le Floch
The Impact of Integration: An Analysis of the METCO Voluntary Desegregation Busing Program
National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Joshua Angrist
What Difference Can Textbooks Make in Achievement Gaps? Exploring Early Exposure to Messages About Gender and Race
University of Chicago, Anjali Adukia
Linking Data and Policy to Improve College Readiness in Delaware
University of Delaware, Henry May
Teacher Working Conditions and Equitable Student Outcomes
University of Virginia, Luke Miller
Does School-Level Fiscal Flexibility Reduce Inequality in Student Achievement? New Evidence From Title I
WestEd, Patrick Sean Tanner
Literacy (Called "Reading and Writing" prior to FY 2020)
Project GROW
Southern Methodist University, Stephanie Al Otaiba
Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of Writing Interventions for Students in Grades K to 5
Texas State University, Alyson Collins
Developing Theory- and Evidence-based Oral Language Intervention: Integrated Multi-Component Oral Development for Literacy (iMODEL)
University of California, Irvine, Young-Suk Kim
A Comprehensive Measure of Reading Fluency: Uniting and Scaling Accuracy, Rate, and Prosody
University of Oregon, Joseph Nese
Postsecondary and Adult Education
Connecting Community College Students to Public and Community Resources: An Experimental Evaluation of Single Stop
RAND Corporation, Lindsay Daugherty
Does Federal Work-Study Work for Students? Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial
Teachers College, Columbia University, Judith Scott-Clayton
Literacy, Numeracy, and Problem-Solving Skills in Technology-Rich Environment in the STEM-Related Subbaccalaureate Programs in the United States
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Takashi Yamashita
Developing and Implementing a Technology-Based Reading Comprehension Instruction System for Adult Literacy Students
University of Memphis, John Sabatini
Improving the Education and Labor Market Outcomes of Students in Subbaccalaureate Postsecondary Institutions: What Can We Learn From Ohio's System of Public Career and Technical Centers?
University of Michigan, Peter Bahr
Improving Outcomes and Accelerating Completion With Corequisite Remediation in Mathematics: An Efficacy Study
WestEd, Steve Schneider
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education
The Evolution of Learning Strategies as Indicators of Intervention Efficacy
University of Denver, Douglas Clements
Social and Behavioral Context for Academic Learning
Development of an Innovative Digital Intervention to Enhance the Social-Emotional Skills and School-Based Adjustment of Early Elementary Students
3-C Institute for Social Development, Melissa DeRosier
Developing Positive Family Support for Students Exposed to Trauma
Arizona State University, Sarah Lindstrom Johnson
Youth Participatory Action Research in the Secondary Curriculum
Cleveland State University, Adam Voight
Longitudinal Evaluation of Sluggish Cognitive Tempo: Identifying Mechanisms of Educational Impairment
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, Stephen Becker
Developing and Testing Training Modes for Improving Teachers' Race-Related Competencies to Promote Student Learners' Academic Adjustment
Harvard University, Adriana Umaña-Taylor
Leveraging Restorative Practices and Social Emotional Learning to Enhance Transitioning and Early High School Students' Engagement
Johns Hopkins University, Elise Pas
Developing Seamless Blended Learning Through Collaborative In-Class and Online Dialogue About Critical Civic Issues to Improve Elementary Students' Interpersonal Competencies and Academic Achievement
Ohio State University, Tzu-Jung Lin
Fostering Productive Parent Engagement at School Entry
Pennsylvania State University, Karen L. Bierman
ACES-2: Development and Validation of the Revised Academic Competence Evaluation Scales
Pennsylvania State University, James DiPerna
Enhancing the Applicability of an Evidence-Based Intervention to Reduce Social Anxiety and Improve Educational Outcomes in Black American Students in Urban Public High Schools
Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc., Carrie Masia
Web-Based Assessment of Social-Emotional Skills in Middle School
Rush University Medical Center, Clark McKown
Enhancing the Capacity of School Nurses to Reduce Excessive Anxiety in Children: An Efficacy Trial of the CALM Intervention
University of Connecticut Health Center, Golda Ginsburg
Developmental Adaptation of a Self-monitoring Training Program for Middle School Students
University of Missouri, Columbia, Aaron Thompson
Evaluation of a Web-Based Classroom Management Program to Promote Effective Classroom Management Practices Among Early Career Teachers
University of Missouri, Columbia, Wendy Reinke
Efficacy of a Selective Intervention to Improve Middle School Students' Subjective Well-Being
University of South Florida, Shannon Suldo
The Development of New Technology to Promote the Fidelity and Sustainability of a Universal Preventive Intervention in Real-World Educational Settings
University of Southern Mississippi, Stephanie Smith
Project LEAPS: Latino Education After Public School
University of Texas, Austin, Charles Martinez
Helping Educational Leadership Mobilize Evidence (HELM): An Organizational Intervention to Promote Strategic Implementation in Schools
University of Washington, Aaron Lyon
Development and Testing of a Research-Based Tier 3 Wraparound Model for Schools
University of Washington, Eric Bruns
Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences (CFDA 84.305B)
NCER made 15 awards under Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences grant program (CFDA 84.305B) to applications considered under the August 2019 deadline. The total spending for all awards under CFDA 84.305B is approximately $51.4 million. Click on the title of each project to get more information about each award.
Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Program in the Education Sciences
Florida Interdisciplinary Research Fellows in Education Sciences (FIREFLIES)
Florida State University, Nicole Patton-Terry
Partnering in Education Research (PIER): An Interdisciplinary Predoctoral Training Program
Harvard University, Thomas Kane
Improving Education Systems Through Interdisciplinary Training and Practice: Applying Social Science to Education Policy and Implementation Research
Michigan State University, Scott Imberman
NYU Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Program
New York University, James Kemple
Multidisciplinary Program in Educational Sciences
Northwestern University, David Uttal
Predoctoral Interdisciplinary Research Training Grant Program in Postsecondary Education (PIRT-PSE)
Teachers College, Columbia University, Thomas Brock
Increasing the Effectiveness and Coherence of Interventions to Reduce Educational Inequality
University of Chicago, Stephen Raudenbush
Training Program in Causal Inference in Education Policy Research at the University of Michigan
University of Michigan, Susan Dynarski
University of Pennsylvania Predoctoral Training Program in Interdisciplinary Methods for Field-Based Research in Education
University of Pennsylvania, Rebecca Maynard
The Virginia Education Sciences Predoctoral Training Program
University of Virginia, Robert C. Pianta
The University of Wisconsin–Madison Interdisciplinary Training Program for Predoctoral Research in the Education Sciences
University of Wisconsin, Madison, Martha W. Alibali
Postdoctoral Research Training Program in the Education Sciences
GSU Postdoctoral Training on Adult Literacy: G-PAL
Georgia State University, Daphne Greenberg
Methods Training for Education Researchers
A Summer RCT Institute for Established Researchers
Northwestern University, Larry Hedges
Building Local Collaborative Capacity for Selecting, Implementing and Evaluating Evidence-Based Interventions
Ohio State University, Ann A. O'Connell
IES Methods Training in Cost Effectiveness and Economic Evaluation
University of Pennsylvania, Brooks Bowden
Education Research and Development Center Program (CFDA 84.305C)
NCER made three new awards under Education Research and Development Center Program grant program (CFDA 84.305C) to applications considered under the August 2019 deadline. The total spending for all awards under CFDA 84.305C is approximately $25 million. Click on the title of each project to get more information about each award.
National Center for Research on Gifted Education
University of Connecticut, Del Siegle
Transdisciplinary Approaches to Improving Opportunities and Outcomes for English Learners: Using Engagement, Team-Based Learning, and Formative Assessment to Develop Content and Language Proficiency
University of Houston, David Francis
National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners
WestEd, Aída Walqui
Statistical and Research Methodology in Education (CFDA 84.305D)
NCER made eight new awards under the Statistical and Research Methodology in Education grants Program (CFDA 84.305D) to applications considered under the August 2019 deadline. The total spending for all awards under CFDA 84.305D is approximately $6.1 million. Click on the title of each project to get more information about each award.
Statistical and Research Methodology in Education
Assembling an Open-Access School-by-School Spending Data Archive
Georgetown University, Marguerite Roza
Deriving and Developing Tools to Estimate Optimal Data Points for Quasi-Experimental Designs
National Opinion Research Center (NORC), Eric Hedberg
thinkCausal: Practical Tools for Understanding and Implementing Causal Inference Methods
New York University, Jennifer Hill
Developing Computational Tools for Model-Based Oral Reading Fluency Assessments
Southern Methodist University, Akihito Kamata
Improving Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation with Group Panel Data in Education Research
University of California, Berkeley, Avi Feller
Causal Mediation Analysis Under Partial Compliance in Single-Site and Multisite Randomized Trials
University of Chicago, Guanglei Hong
Innovative Statistical Learning Methods and Software for Large-Scale Assessment
University of Washington, Chun Wang
Statistical and Research Methodology in Education - Early Career
Using Machine Learning Methods to Improve Regression Discontinuity Designs
RAND Corporation, Isaac Opper
Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication (CFDA 84.305R)
NCER made one new award under the Research Grants Focused on Systematic Replication grants program (CFDA 84.305R) to applications considered under August 2019 deadline. The total spending for this award is approximately $4 million. Click on the title of the project to get more information about the award.
The Effects of PACT on Social Studies Knowledge and Comprehension Among 8th Grade Students
American Institutes for Research (AIR), Kathryn Drummond
Unsolicited Grants Program (84.305U)
NCER made ten new awards under the Unsolicited grants program. The total spending for these awards is approximately $5.6 million. Click on the title of each project to get more information about each award.
Develop and Improve the EdInstruments Library
Brown University, Susanna Loeb
*The Impact of the COVID Crisis on the Educational Attainment of Economically-Disadvantaged Undergraduates: A Longitudinal Study
City University of New York (CUNY), Paul Attewell
Building Financial Leadership in Education to Do More for Students
Georgetwown University, Marguerite Roza
An Educational Intervention to Combat Whole Number Bias in Risk Perceptions in an Ambiguous Health Context: COVID-19
Kent State University, Clarissa Thompson
An Intervention Return on Investment (ROI) Tool for Community Colleges
MDRC, Michael Weiss
*Professional Online Learning Module (PLOM) Project
North Carolina State University, Carla Johnson
What We Have Learned in 20 Years of IES Randomized Trials
Northwestern University, Larry Hedges
Using Student Achievement Data to Monitor Progress and Performance: Methodological Challenges Presented by COVID-19
RAND Corporation, Jonathan Schweig
Changing Policy and Practice in Developmental Education: Assessing the Evidence and Engaging the Field
Teacher's College, Columbia University, Nicole Edgecombe
Cost Analysis in Practice Project (CAP Project)
Teachers College, Columbia University, Fiona Hollands
*Unsolicited projects monitored by the National Center for Educational Evaluation and Regional Assistance