Individuals interested in preparing research grant applications for the National Center for Education Research and the National Center for Special Education Research within the Institute of Education Sciences, and planning to attend the upcoming meetings of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) or the American Educational Research Association (AERA), are invited to attend the two funding opportunities sessions described below.
NCER Associate Commissioner for Teaching and Learning Elizabeth Albro will be leading a preconference workshop at SRCD on Wednesday, April 1, 2009 from 1–4 pm, entitled "Preparing Grant Applications for the Institute of Education Sciences." The workshop will be held in Agate B at the Hyatt Regency Denver. If you are interested in participating in the workshop, please contact Dr. Albro at
NCER Associate Commissioner for Policy and Systems Allen Ruby will be participating in a session at AERA entitled "Federal Agency Support for Education Research in 2008 and 2010." This session will be held on Wednesday, April 15, 2009, from 12:25–1:55 pm, in Ballroom 6D of the San Diego Convention Center. If you would like additional information, please contact Dr. Ruby at