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Effects of Preschool Curriculum Programs on School Readiness: Report from the Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research Initiative

NCER 2008-2009
July 2008

Table B.  Units of random assignment for evaluation of each curriculum
Research team Curricula Treatment sample Control sample Students
Vanderbilt University  Bright Beginnings 7 classrooms 7 classrooms T: 103
C: 105
T: 101
Creative Curriculum 7 classrooms
University of North Carolina
at Charlotte 
Creative Curriculum 9 classrooms 9 classrooms T: 97
C: 97
University of New Hampshire  Creative Curriculum with Ladders to Literacy 7 classrooms 7 classrooms T: 62
C: 61
Success for All Foundation  Curiosity Corner 10 Pre-K programs 8 Pre-K programs T: 105
C: 110
University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston 
Doors to Discovery 14 classrooms 15 classrooms T: 101
C: 96
T: 100
Let’s Begin with the Letter People 15 classrooms
University of North Florida  Early Literacy and Learning Model 14 classrooms1 14 classrooms1 T: 137
C: 107
University of Virginia  Language-Focused Curriculum 7 classrooms 7 classrooms T: 97
C: 98
Florida State University  DLM Early Childhood Express with Open Court Reading Pre-K 5 Pre-K programs 6 Pre-K programs T: 101
C: 97
T: 99
Literacy Express 6 Pre-K programs
UC-Berkeley and University at Buffalo,
State University of New York 
Pre-K Mathematics with DLM Early Childhood Express Math software 20 classrooms 20 classrooms T: 159
C: 157
Purdue University and University
of WI-Milwaukee 
Project Approach 7 classrooms 6 classrooms T: 114
C: 90
University of Missouri-Columbia  Project Construct 10 Pre-K programs1 11 Pre-K programs1 T: 123
C: 108
University of California, Berkeley Ready, Set, Leap! 18 classrooms 21 classrooms T: 149
C: 137
1 After one program or classroom attrited.
NOTE: T: Treatment Group
    C: Control Group
Three research teams (Vanderbilt University, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, and Florida State University) have two treatment groups and a shared control group. When reading the “Students” column, the first “T” refers to the first curriculum in the same row, while the second “T” refers to the second curriculum in the same row. The “C” refers to the shared control group. For example, Vanderbilt University compared two curricula: Bright Beginnings (103 students) and Creative Curriculum (101 students) to a control curriculum (105 students).
SOURCE: The Preschool Curriculum Evaluation Research (PCER) Study.