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National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) Training Modules

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1Introduction to the NLTS2 Training Modules
Introduction to NLTS2 training materials. 05:47

2NLTS2 Study Overview
This module discusses the history and purpose of NLTS2 and provides an overview of the study design and sampling, data collection components and data collection timeline. 11:36

3NLTS2 Study Design and Sampling
Overview of the study design and conceptual framework, as well as decisions about the study's content. Module 3 also addresses sampling issues. 17:06

4NLTS2 Data Sources: Parent and Youth Surveys
Module 4 concerns the data sources of NLTS2, such as the parent/youth survey and interviews, and discusses the skip logic applied to both surveys and interviews. 15:44

5NLTS2 Data Sources: School Surveys Student Assessments and Transcripts
Additional data collection sources, such as teacher surveys, school characteristics surveys and student assessments. 15:35

6Implications for Analysis: Data Content
This module presents the data collection timeline. Then it switches focus to response rates and a discussion of the need to acquire a restricted-use license in order to access NLTS2 data. 19:41

7Implications for Analysis: Parent/Youth Survey
Module 7 continues the examination of the study's methodology, including response rates and data weighting. 20:32

8Implications for Analysis: School Survey Student Analysis
When data were collected, changes over time and response rates. 16:51

9Weighting and Weighted Standard Errors
Discussion of sampling weights in general and the specific weighting of data in NLTS2. 19:13

10NLTS2 Documentation Overview
This module offers an in-depth look at NLTS2 documentation. 14:33

11NLTS2 Documentation: Data Dictionaries
Module 11 deals with data dictionaries, file specifications and variable documentation. 28:18

12NLTS2 Documentation: Quick References
This module completes the examination of NLTS2 documentation. 10:13

13Analysis Demonstration Descriptive Comparative Analysis
Introduces the process for submitting questions to the NLTS2 database and outlines a few basic approaches to using the data. 20:24

14aAccessing Data Files in SPSS
Discuss how to open and combine data files, limit variables and subset cases. 25:41

14bAccessing Data Files in SAS
Discuss how to open and combine data files, limit variables and subset cases. 29:22

15aAccessing Data: Frequencies in SPSS
Address frequencies and crosstabulations, introduce weights and how to deal with missing values. 22:27

15bAccessing Data: Frequencies in SAS
Address frequencies and crosstabulations, introduce weights and how to deal with missing values. 31:00

16aAccessing Data: Means in SPSS
Teach users how to run simple statistical procedures, such as means and comparative means. 13:44

16bAccessing Data: Means in SAS
Teach users how to run simple statistical procedures, such as means and comparative means. 16:39

17aAccessing Data: Manipulating Variables in SPSS
These modules provide an overview of modifying existing variables and creating new variables. 30:48

17bAccessing Data: Manipulating Variables in SAS
These modules provide an overview of modifying existing variables and creating new variables. 27:12

18aComplex Samples Procedures in SPSS
Module 18a introduces the analysis and planned files needed to produce complex samples. 18:56

18bPROC SURVEY Procedures in SAS
Module 18b introduces PROC SURVEY procedures. 28:18

19Multivariate Analysis Using NLTS2 Data
Examines multivariate analysis of NLTS2 data. 10:51

20Linear Regression Model: Example
This module instructs users how to specify models and select dependent and independent variables. It also provides a demonstration of a menu-driven approach to constructing a linear-regression model. 11:11